SCHEDULE 1S Procedure for designating site of new town

Making of orders under section 1S

5SAs soon as may be after an order has been made as aforesaid, the Secretary of State shall publish in the Edinburgh Gazette, in one or more newspapers circulating in the locality in which the proposed new town will be situated, and in such other newspapers, if any, as he considers appropriate in the circumstances, a notice stating that the order has been made and naming a place within the area designated by the order as the site of the proposed new town where a copy of the order may be seen at any reasonable hour, and shall serve a like notice—

(a)on any local authority on whom notice of the proposed order was served under paragraph 2 above; and

(b)on any other person who has duly made an objection to the proposed order and, at the time of making it or thereafter, has sent to the Secretary of State a request in writing to serve him with the notice required by this paragraph, giving an address for service.