Sewerage (Scotland) Act 1968

  1. Introductory Text

  2. PART I General Provisions as to Sewerage

    1. Duties and powers of local authorities

      1. 1.Duty of local authority to provide for sewerage of their area

      2. 2.Maintenance of public sewers and other works

      3. 3.Construction etc. of public sewers and public sewage treatment works

      4. 4.Power of local authority to close or alter public sewers etc.

      5. 5.Agreements between local authorities

      6. 6.Functions outwith the area of a local authority

      7. 7.Agreements between highway and local authorities

      8. 8.Agreements as to provision of sewers etc. for new premises

      9. 9.Loan of temporary sanitary conveniences

      10. 10.Emptying of septic tanks

      11. 11.Duty of local authority to keep map showing public sewers etc.

    2. Rights and duties of owners and occupiers

      1. 12.Rights of owners and occupiers to connect with and drain into public sewers etc.

      2. 13.Rights of owners and occupiers to connect with and drain into sewers etc. of another local authority

      3. 14.Direction by local authority as to manner of construction of works

      4. 15.Owner or occupier to remedy defects in drains and other works

    3. Vesting of sewers, drains and works

      1. 16.Vesting of sewers and other works in local authority

      2. 17.Local authority may take over private sewage treatment works

    4. Miscellaneous

      1. 18.Expenses of local authorities and dissolution of drainage districts

      2. 19.Compulsory acquisition of land

      3. 20.Compensation for loss etc. resulting from exercise of powers under this Part of this Act

      4. 21.Buildings not to interfere with sewers

      5. 22.Protection for statutory undertakers

      6. 23.Restriction on working of minerals

  3. PART II Trade Effluents

    1. Right to discharge into public sewers

      1. 24.Right to discharge into public sewers

    2. Control of new discharges

      1. 25.Meaning of new discharge

      2. 26.New discharge only with consent of the authority

      3. 27.Procedure on application for consent to new discharge

      4. 28.Time to dispose of application

      5. 29.Decision on application

      6. 30.Intimation of decision

      7. 31.Appeal against refusals and conditions

      8. 32.Review of consents, conditions and refusals

    3. Control of existing discharges

      1. 33.Meaning of existing discharge

      2. 34.Right to continue existing discharge

      3. 35.Furnishing of information

      4. 36.Review of continuation of existing discharge

    4. Agreements in lieu of applications for consent

      1. 37.Agreements as respects trade premises

    5. Supplementary

      1. 38.Power to extend Part II to other effluents

  4. PART III Miscellaneous and General

    1. 39.Local authority to have right to sewage

    2. 40.Powers of local authorities as to research and publicity

    3. 41.Breaking open of streets, etc.

    4. 42.Execution of works by local authorities for other persons

    5. 43.Power to require occupier to permit works to be executed by owner

    6. 44.Power of local authorities to require information as to ownership etc. of premises

    7. 45.Production of plans and furnishing of information to authorities

    8. 46.Certain matter not to be passed into drains

    9. 47.Recovery of expenses by local authority

    10. 48.Powers of entry

    11. 49.Admissibility of samples as evidence

    12. 50.Restriction on disclosure of information

    13. 51.Procedure on appeals to Secretary of State

    14. 52.Exemption from stamp duties

    15. 53.Notices etc. to be in writing

    16. 54.Local enactments

    17. 55.Application of Act to Crown premises

    18. 56.Saving for Coast Protection Act 1949

    19. 57.Expenses

    20. 58.Orders

    21. 59.Interpretation

    22. 60.Amendments and repeals

    23. 61.Short title, extent and commencement


    1. SCHEDULE 1

      Consequential Amendments

      1. The Public Health (Scotland) Act 1897

        1. 1.There shall be inserted at the end of section 28...

        2. 2.There shall be inserted at the beginning of section 116...

      2. The Local Government (Scotland) Act 1947

        1. 3.In Schedule 6, item 11, for the words "Section 139...

      3. The Radioactive Substances Act I960

        1. 4.There shall be inserted at the end of Part II...

    2. SCHEDULE 2

      Enactments Repealed