PART IILicences and Certificates Relating to Medicinal Products

Medicated animal feeding stuffs

42Supplementary provisions as to incorporation of substances and articles in animal feeding stuffs

(1)Where in the course of a business carried on by him a person incorporates a substance or article, other than a medicinal product, in any animal feeding stuff with a view to—

(a)feeding it, with the substance or article incorporated in it, to one or more animals, or

(b)selling, supplying or exporting it with the substance or article incorporated in it,

and the substance or article is so incorporated by him for a medicinal purpose, sections 40(3) and 41 of this Act shall have effect in relation to the incorporation of that substance or article as if it were a medicinal product.

(2)Where in the course of a business carried on by him a person proposes—

(a)to sell or supply a substance or article, other than a medicinal product, to persons who for a medicinal purpose may require to incorporate it in animal feeding stuffs to be fed to one or more animals, or

(b)to manufacture a substance or article, other than a medicinal product, for sale or supply as mentioned in the preceding paragraph,

he may, if he so desires, apply for a product licence in respect of that substance or article, and the licensing authority (subject to the provisions of sections 19 to 22 of this Act) may grant to him a product licence in respect of it, as if it were a medicinal product and he were proposing to sell or supply it in circumstances to which section 7(2) of this Act applies; and a product licence so granted may be renewed, suspended, revoked or varied accordingly.

(3)Where a person proposes to sell, supply or manufacture a substance or article, other than a medicinal product, in the circumstances specified in paragraph (a) or paragraph (b) of subsection (2) of this section, any person who proposes, by purchase or otherwise, to obtain from him a supply of the substance or article with a view to incorporating it for a medicinal purpose in any animal feeding stuff may, if he so desires, apply for a product licence in respect of that substance or article, and the licensing authority (subject to the provisions of sections 19 to 22 of this Act) may grant to him a product licence in respect of it, as if it were a medicinal product and he were proposing to procure the sale or supply, or the manufacture for sale or supply, of that product in circumstances to which section 7(2) of this Act applies; and a product licence so granted may be renewed, suspended revoked or varied accordingly.

(4)On the grant, renewal or variation (whether by virtue of subsection (2) or subsection (3) of this section or otherwise) of a product licence, in so far as it relates to any substance or article which is to be incorporated in animal feeding stuffs, the licence may (without prejudice to the generality of section 20(1) of this Act) include provisions as to the manner in which the substance or article in question may be so incorporated, whether by the holder of the licence or by any other person to whom those provisions of the licence have been communicated.

(5)Without prejudice to the operation of section 130(7) of this Act, a substance manufactured, sold, supplied or exported as an animal feeding stuff shall not be taken to be a medicinal product for the purposes of this Act by reason only that any of the preceding provisions of this section has effect in relation to a substance or article incorporated in it.

(6)The appropriate Ministers may by order provide that any of the provisions of section 40 of this Act or of subsections (1) to (5) of this section shall cease to have effect, or shall have effect subject to such exceptions or modifications as may be specified in the order.

(7)No order shall be made under subsection (6) of this section unless a draft of the order has been laid before Parliament and approved by a resolution of each House of Parliament.