(1)This Part of this Act shall not render unlawful—
(a)any refusal or omission—
(i)to provide goods, services or facilities, other than travel facilities, outside Great Britain elsewhere than on a British ship or aircraft;
(ii)to provide any banking, financial or insurance facilities for a purpose to be carried out, or in connection with risks wholly or mainly arising, outside Great Britain; or
(iii)to dispose of land ouside Great Britain ;
(b)any contract or term therein the main object of which is to do any act mentioned in paragraph (a)(i), (ii) or (iii) above;
notwithstanding that the refusal or omission occurred or the contract was made in Great Britain or on a British ship or aircraft.
(2)This Part of this Act shall not render unlawful an act done on a British ship while in the national waters or territorial waters of a country outside Great Britain, or on a British aircraft while in, or in flight over, such a country (or its territorial waters) if the act was done for the purpose of complying with the laws of that country.