Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1970

108Schedule D

The Schedule referred to as Schedule D is as follows:—


1Tax under this Schedule shall be charged in respect of—

(a)the annual profits or gains arising or accruing—

(i)to any person residing in the United Kingdom from any kind of property whatever, whether situated in the United Kingdom or elsewhere, and

(ii)to any person residing in the United Kingdom from any trade, profession or vocation, whether carried on in the United Kingdom or elsewhere, and

(iii)to any person, whether a British subject or not, although not resident in the United Kingdom, from any property whatever in the United Kingdom, or from any trade, profession or vocation exercised within the United Kingdom, and

(b)all interest of money, annuities and other annual profits or gains not charged under Schedule A, B, C or E, and not specially exempted from tax.

2There shall also be charged under this Schedule, to the extent provided in Chapter VIII of this Part of this Act, income tax (but not corporation tax) in respect of the gains accruing to any person resident and ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom from his acquisition and disposal of assets.

3The provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 above are without prejudice to any other provision of the Tax Acts directing tax to be charged under this Schedule, and the tax so directed to be charged shall be charged accordingly.