Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1970

93Schedule C

The Schedule referred to as Schedule C is as follows:—


1Tax under this Schedule shall be charged in respect of all profits arising from public revenue dividends payable in the United Kingdom in any chargeable period.

2Tax under this Schedule shall also be charged in respect of profits arising from public revenue dividends payable in the Republic of Ireland in any chargeable period, being dividends on securities of the United Kingdom Government entered in the register of the Bank of Ireland in Dublin.

3Where a banker or any other person in the United Kingdom obtains payment of any overseas public revenue dividends by means of coupons received from any other person or otherwise on his behalf, tax under this Schedule shall be charged in respect of the dividends.


(a)any banker in the United Kingdom sells or otherwise realises coupons for any overseas public revenue dividends, and pays over the proceeds to any person or carries them to his account, or

(b)any dealer in coupons in the United Kingdom purchases any such coupons as aforesaid otherwise than from a banker or another dealer in coupons,

tax under this Schedule shall be charged in respect of the proceeds of the sale or other realisation.

5Notwithstanding anything in paragraphs 1 to 4 above, where any half-yearly payment in respect of any dividend entrusted to the Bank of England or the Bank of Ireland for payment and distribution, or which is payable by the National Debt Commissioners or of which they have the distribution, does not exceed 50 shillings, it shall not be charged under this Schedule, but shall be assessed and charged under Case III of Schedule D:

Provided that this paragraph does not apply to any payment obtained by means of a coupon in respect of a bond to bearer or stock certificate.