SCHEDULE 2 Forms of Standard Security

Form A

[To be used where the personal obligation is included in the deed]

I, A.B. (designation), hereby undertake to pay to C.D. (designation), the sum of £ (or a maximum sum of £ ) (orall sums due and that may become due by me to the said C.D. in respect of ......... (here specify the matter for which the undertaking is granted)) with interest from ........................ (orfrom the respective times of advance) at ............ per centum per annum (or otherwise as the case may be) (annually, half-yearly,or otherwise as the case may be) on ..................... in each year commencing on .....................; For which I grant a standard security in favour of the said C.D. over All and Whole (here describe the security subjects as indicated inNote 1 hereto): The standard conditions specified in Schedule 3 to the Conveyancing and Feudal Reform (Scotland) Act 1970, and any lawful variation thereof operative for the time being, shall apply: And I grant warrandice: And I consent to registration for execution.

[To be attested]