1. Introductory Text

  2. Part I Constitution, Organisation and Administration

    1. General duty of the Secretary of State

      1. 1. Secretary of State to be responsible for organisation and administration of sheriff courts.

    2. Sheriffdoms

      1. 2. Power of Secretary of State to alter sheriffdoms.

    3. Sheriff court districts and places where sheriff courts are to be held

      1. 3. Sheriff court districts and places where sheriff courts are to be held.

    4. Sheriffs principal and sheriffs

      1. 4. Offices of sheriff principal and sheriff.

      2. 5. Qualification for offices of sheriff principal and sheriff.

      3. 5A.Retiring age for sheriff principal and sheriff.

      4. 6. Disqualification of sheriffs principal and sheriffs.

      5. 7. Jurisdiction of sheriff.

      6. 8. Sheriff may be appointed to assist Secretary of State.

    5. Functions of the Secretary of State in relation to sheriffs principal, sheriffs, etc.

      1. 9. Power of Secretary of State to give administrative directions.

      2. 10. Secretary of State may authorise sheriff principal or direct sheriff to act in another sheriffdom.

      3. 11. Secretary of State may appoint temporary sheriffs principal and sheriffs.

      4. 11A. Appointment of part-time sheriffs

      5. 11B. Limitation, termination etc. of appointment of part-time sheriffs

      6. 11C. Removal of part-time sheriffs from office

      7. 11D. Regulations and orders under sections 11A and 11C

      8. 12. Removal from office, and suspension, of sheriff principal or sheriff.

    6. Consideration of fitness for, and removal from, shrieval office

      1. 12A.Tribunal to consider fitness for shrieval office

      2. 12B.Suspension during investigation

      3. 12C.Further provision about tribunals

      4. 12D.Report of tribunal

      5. 12E.Removal from office

      6. 12F.Interpretation of sections 12A to 12E

      7. 13. Functions of Secretary of State with respect to residence and leave of absence of sheriffs principal.

      8. 14. Functions of Secretary of State with respect to number, residence and place of duties of sheriffs.

      9. 14A.Re-employment of retired sheriffs principal and sheriffs

    7. Functions of the sheriff principal in relation to sheriffs, etc.

      1. 15.Efficient disposal of business in sheriff courts

      2. 16. Functions of sheriff principal with respect to duties and leave of absence of sheriffs.

      3. 17. Sheriff principal may fix sittings and business of sheriff courts in sheriffdom, and sessions for civil business.

      4. 17A.Lord President's power to exercise functions in sections 15 to 17

      5. 18. Secretary of State may exercise certain functions of sheriff principal in certain circumstances.

    8. Miscellaneous

      1. 19. Travelling allowances for sheriffs principal.

      2. 20. Extension of purposes for which Lord Advocate may give instructions to procurators fiscal.

      3. 21.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

      4. 22. Saving for existing functions.

  3. Part II Court houses, buildings and offices

    1. 23. Transfer of court houses to Secretary of State.

    2. 24. Provision and maintenance of court houses by Secretary of State.

    3. 25. Use of public buildings for holding of courts.

    4. 26. Use of court houses by third parties.

    5. 27. Compensation for officers and servants.

    6. 28. Repeal and amendment of local enactments.

    7. 29. Determination of disputes.

    8. 30. Interpretation of Part II.

  4. Part III Civil jurisdiction, procedure and appeals

    1. 31. Upper limit to privative jurisdiction of sheriff court to be £250.

    2. Regulation of procedure in civil proceedings

      1. 32. Power of Court of Session to regulate civil procedure in sheriff court.

      2. 32A.Rules for lay representation

      3. 33. Sheriff Court Rules Council.

      4. 34. Functions of Sheriff Court Rules Council.

    3. Summary causes

      1. 35. Summary causes.

      2. 36. Procedure in summary causes.

      3. 36A. Further provisions as to small claims.

      4. 36B. Expenses in small claims.

      5. 37. Remits.

      6. 38. Appeal in summary causes.

    4. Miscellaneous and supplemental

      1. 39. Civil jurisdiction, procedure and appeals

      2. 40. Civil jurisdiction, procedure and appeals

      3. 41. Power of Her Majesty to vary limit to privative jurisdiction of sheriff court, etc.

      4. 42. Application of provisions regarding jurisdiction and summary causes.

  5. Part IV Miscellaneous and General

    1. 43. Orders, etc.

    2. 44. Expenses.

    3. 45. Interpretation.

    4. 46. Amendment and repeal of enactments.

    5. 47. Short title, commencement and extent.


    1. SCHEDULE 1

      Minor and Consequential Amendment of Enactments

      1. General

        1. 1.In any enactment passed or made before the commencement of...

      2. The Execution of Diligence (Scotland) Act 1926

        1. 2.(1) In paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section 2...

      3. The Tenancy of Shops (Scotland) Act 1949

        1. 3.For subsection (7) of section 1 (renewal of tenancies of...

        2. 4.. . . . . . . . . ....

    2. SCHEDULE 2

      Repeal of Enactments

      1. Part I General Repeals

      2. Part II Repeals Consequent on Sections 35 to 38 of this Act