Part IE+W Compensation for Depreciation Caused by use of Public Works

15 Information for ascertaining relevant date.E+W

(1)The responsible authority in relation to a highway or other public works shall keep a record and, on demand, furnish a statement in writing of—

(a)the date on which the highway was first open to public traffic, or was first open to public traffic after completion of any particular alterations to the carriageway of the highway;

(b)the date on which the public works were first used after completion, or were first used after completion of any particular alterations to those works;

(c)in the case of public works other than a highway or aerodrome, the date on which there was a change of use in respect of the public works.

(2)A certificate by the Secretary of State stating that runway or apron alterations have or have not been carried out at an aerodrome and the date on which an aerodrome at which any such alterations have been carried out was first used after completion of the alterations shall be conclusive evidence of the facts stated.

(3)In this section references to alterations to the carriageway of a highway, to runway or apron alterations and to a change of use shall be construed in the same way as in section 9 above; and subsection (1) above shall not apply unless the date in question falls on or after the commencement date.