Part VU.K. Miscellaneous and Supplementary

31 Abolition of Parliament of Northern Ireland.U.K.

(1)The Parliament of Northern Ireland shall cease to exist.

(2)Unless and until the Clerk to the Assembly otherwise determines, every person who immediately before the date of the passing of this Act was employed in the service of, or of either House of the Parliament of Northern Ireland in any office mentioned in subsection (3) below shall as from that date be employed in the service of the Assembly with the same remuneration and conditions of service.

(3)The said offices are Clerk-Assistant of the Parliaments, Second Clerk-Assistant of the Parliaments, Fourth Clerk at the Table, Librarian and Assistant Librarian, Editor and Deputy Editor of Official Reports of Debates and Reporter.

(4)Subject to subsection (5) below, all property which immediately before the date of the passing of this Act was held in trust or used for the purposes of, or either House of, the Parliament of Northern Ireland, or partly for those purposes and partly for other purposes, shall on and after that date be applied for the purposes of the Assembly or such other purposes as the Ministry of Finance for Northern Ireland may determine.

(5)The Secretary of State may require the Ministry to make available to him in any premises comprised in the property mentioned in subsection (4) above (other than the Parliament Buildings at Stormont) such accommodation and facilities as he may specify; and the Secretary of State shall in consideration of the use thereof after the appointed day make to the Ministry such payments out of moneys provided by Parliament as he and the Ministry may agree.

(6)In so far as any of the property mentioned in subsection (4) above was not immediately before the date of the passing of this Act vested in the Ministry of Finance for Northern Ireland it shall vest in that Ministry on that date; and subsections (4) and (5) above shall have effect notwithstanding anything in any deed or other instrument relating to the property to which those subsections apply.