Part X Ancillary Credit Businesses

Credit reference agencies

158 Duty of agency to disclose filed information.


A credit reference agency, within the prescribed period after receiving,—


a request in writing to that effect from any F4partnership or other unincorporated body of persons not consisting entirely of bodies corporate (the “consumer ”), and


such particulars as the agency may reasonably require to enable them to identify the file, and


a fee of F1£2,

shall give the consumer a copy of the file relating to F2it kept by the agency.


When giving a copy of the file under subsection (1), the agency shall also give the consumer a statement in the prescribed form of F3the consumer’s rights under section 159.


If the agency does not keep a file relating to the consumer it shall give F3the consumernotice of that fact, but need not return any money paid.


If the agency contravenes any provision of this section it commits an offence.


In this Act “file ”, in relation to an individual, means all the information about him kept by a credit reference agency, regardless of how the information is stored, and “copy of the file ”, as respects information not in plain English, means a transcript reduced into plain English.