Change of name, amalgamation and transfer of engagements and conversion of societies

83 Objections to amalgamations and transfers of engagements of friendly societies.


Subject to subsection (2) below, where a special resolution has been passed for the amalgamation, or transfer of the engagements, of a registered friendly society—


any member of the society may by notice in writing complain to the Chief Registrar on the ground that the provisions of section 82 above or section 86 below or of any other provision of this Act or of any rules of the society relating to the procedure for deciding on the resolution have not been complied with; and


any person (whether a member of the society or not) who claims that he is one of a class of persons who to a substantial extent would be adversely affected by the amalgamation or transfer may by notice in writing complain to the Chief Registrar on that ground.


A complaint under this section may not be made after the expiry of the period of six weeks beginning with the date on which the special resolution concerned is received at the central office (being the period referred to in section 86(4) below), but where such a complaint is made the special resolution shall not be registered until the complaint is finally determined or is withdrawn.


Subsections (2) and (3) of section 77 above shall apply in relation to a complaint made to the Chief Registrar under this section as they apply in relation to a dispute referred to him under subsection (1) of that section; and it is hereby declared that the M1Arbitration Act 1950 does not apply to proceedings on a complaint under this section.


Where a complaint is made under this section the Chief Registrar may either dismiss it or if, after giving the complainant and the registered society concerned an opportunity of being heard, he finds the complaint to be justified, may either—


so declare, but make no other declaration or order under this subsection on the complaint; or


declare the special resolution to be invalid; or


make such order as he thinks fit modifying the terms of the amalgamation or transfer and, where appropriate, specifying the steps which must be taken before the special resolution may be registered at the central office;

and it shall be the duty of the Chief Registrar to furnish a statement, either written or oral, of the reasons for any decision which he gives on a complaint under this section.


Where an order has been made under subsection (4)(c) above in relation to a proposed amalgamation or transfer of engagements, the central office shall not register a special resolution for giving effect to that amalgamation or transfer unless satisfied that any steps specified in the order have been taken.


Subject to subsections (1) and (8) below, the validity of a special resolution passed for either of the purposes referred to in subsection (1) above shall not be questioned in any legal proceedings whatsoever (except proceedings before the Chief Registrar under this section or arising out of any such proceedings) on any ground on which a complaint could be, or could have been, made to the Chief Registrar under this section.


In the course of proceedings on a complain under this section the Chief Registrar may, if he thinks fit, at the request of the complainant or of the registered society concerned, state a case for the opinion of the High Court, or if the society concerned is registered in Scotland the Court of Session, on any question of law arising in the proceedings; and the decision of the High Court or, as the case may be, the Court of Session on a case stated under this subsection shall be final.


Without prejudice to subsection (1) above, where a special resolution has been passed for the amalgamation of a registered friendly society (whether or not the resolution has taken effect) any person, whether a member of the society or not, who—


claims to be entitled to receive any form of benefit from the society, and


is dissatisfied with the provision made for satisfying his claim,

may within the period of three months beginning with the day on which the special resolution is passed make an application to the county court for the district, or in Scotland to the sheriff of the sheriffdom, within which the chief or any other place of business of the society, or (if the amalgamation has taken effect) the amalgamated society, is situated, and on any such application the county court of sheriff shall have the same powers in the matter as in regard to the settlement of disputes under this Act.