PART ISolemn Procedure

Procedure prior to Trial

Procedure at Trial

157Interruption of trial for plea or sentence in another cause


Where in any cause the diet of which has not been called, the panel shall intimate through his counsel to the clerk of court that he is prepared to tender a plea of guilty as libelled or such qualified plea as the Crown is prepared to accept, or where a cause is remitted to the High Court for sentence in which the panel has pleaded guilty under section 102 of this Act, then, subject to the following provisions of this section, any trial (other than a trial for murder) then proceeding may be interrupted for the purpose of receiving such plea or dealing with said remitted cause and pronouncing sentence or otherwise disposing of any such cause.


In the case of any such interruption an entry will be duly made in the minute book of the court continuing the diet of the interrupted trial until later in the same day without further specification of time, or to the following or a subsequent day as the court may direct.


In any such interposed cause, the plea of the panel shall not be tendered or accepted, nor sentence passed, in the presence of the jury in the interrupted trial, but said jury if not already retired shall be directed by the presiding judge to retire.