Part II Obstructions to Passage of Fish

10F1Power of appropriate agency to construct and alter fish passes.


F2The appropriate agency may, F3. . .construct and maintain in any dam or in connection with any dam a fish pass of such form and dimensions F4as it may determine, so long as no injury is done by such a fish pass to the milling power, or to the supply of water of or to any navigable river, canal or other inland navigation.


F5The appropriate agency may, F6. . .abolish or alter, or restore to its former state of efficiency, any existing fish pass or free gap, or substitute another fish pass or free gap, provided that no injury is done to the milling power, or to the supply of water of or to any navigable river, canal or other inland navigation.


If any person injures any such new or existing fish pass, he shall pay the expenses F7incurred by the appropriate agency in repairing the injury, and any such expenses may be recovered F8by the appropriate agency in a summary manner.