Employment Protection Act 1975

PART IIISchedule 2, as Substituted

Note: This Part of this Schedule reproduces Schedule 2 with amendments as to the method and terms of appointment of members of wages councils. Constitution, Officers and Proceedings of Wages Councils and Co-ordinating Committees


1(1)A wages council or, subject to paragraph 2 of this Schedule, central co-ordinating committee shall consist of—

(a)not more than three persons appointed by the Secretary of State as being independent persons ;

(b)such number of persons appointed to represent employers and workers on the council or committee as falls within the limits for the time being specified for the purposes of this paragraph by the Secretary of State.

(2)Subject to sub-paragraphs (4) and (5) of this paragraph, the persons appointed under the foregoing sub-paragraph to represent employers shall be appointed by one or more employers' associations for the time being nominated for that purpose by the Secretary of State and those so appointed to represent workers shall be appointed by one or more trade unions so nominated.

(3)A nominated employers' association or trade union shall on making such an appointment inform the secretary of the wages council or central co-ordinating committee, in writing, of that appointment.

(4)If the nominated employers' association or the nominated trade union are unable to agree on such an appointment, they shall consult the Secretary of State who may make the appointment on their behalf.

(5)If it appears to the Secretary of State that an insufficient number of persons has been appointed to represent either employers or workers on a wages council or central co-ordinating committee he may, after consultation with such persons or organisations as he thinks fit, himself appoint such number of persons for the purpose as will secure a sufficiency of representatives of employers or workers, as the case may be, on the council or committee.

(6)Of the independent persons appointed under sub-paragraph (1)(a) above, one shall be appointed by the Secretary of State to act as chairman, and another may be appointed by the Secretary of State to act as chairman in the absence of the chairman.

2(1)A central co-ordinating committee operating in relation only to two or more statutory joint industrial councils shall consist of equal numbers of persons appointed by one or more employers' associations to represent employers on the committee and of persons appointed by one or more trade unions to represent workers on the committee.

(2)Any such committee shall elect a chairman and deputy chairman from among its members.

3The Secretary of State may on the application of a wages council or central co-ordinating committee make such changes in the number of members or the machinery for appointing them as is necessary or expedient in the circumstances.

4The Secretary of State may appoint a secretary and such other officers as he thinks fit of a wages council or central co-ordinating committee.

5The proceedings of a wages council or central co-ordinating committee shall not be invalidated by reason of any vacancy therein or by any defect in the appointment of a member.

6(1)A wages council or central co-ordinating committee may delegate any of its functions, other than the power to make orders under section 11 of this Act, to a committee or sub-committee consisting of such number of members of the council as the council or committee thinks fit.

(2)The number of members representing employers and the number of members representing workers on a committee of a council or any such sub-committee shall be equal.

7The Secretary of State may make regulations as to the meetings and procedure of a wages council or central co-ordinating committee and of any committee or, as the case may be, sub-committee thereof, including regulations as to the quorum and the method of voting, but, subject to the provisions of this Act and to any regulations so made, a wages council or central co-ordinating committee and any committee or, as the case may be, sub-committee thereof may regulate its procedure in such manner as it thinks fit.

8(1)A member of a wages council or central co-ordinating committee shall hold and vacate office in accordance with the terms of his appointment, but the period for which he is to hold office, shall, without prejudice to his re-appointment, not exceed five years.

(2)Where the term for which the members of a wages council or central co-ordinating committee were appointed comes to an end before their successors are appointed, those members shall, except so far as the Secretary of State or, as the case may be, the appointing body otherwise directs, continue in office until the new appointments take effect.

9There may be paid to the members of a wages council or central co-ordinating committee appointed under sub-paragraph (a) of paragraph 1 of this Schedule such remuneration, and to any member of any such council or committee such travelling and other allowances, as the Secretary of State may, with the consent of the Minister for the Civil Service, determine, and all such remuneration and allowances shall be defrayed as part of the expenses of the Secretary of State in carrying this Act into effect.