1. Introductory Text

  2. Acquisition of land for purposes of offshore petroleum development

    1. 1. Acquisition of land for purposes connected with offshore petroleum.

    2. 2. Extinction of rights affecting land.

  3. Designated sea areas

    1. 3. Designated sea areas.

    2. 4. Licences in relation to operations in designated sea areas.

    3. 5. Terms and effect, etc. of licences under s. 4.

    4. 6. Regulations for protection and control of operations in designated sea areas.

    5. 7. Execution and enforcement of regulations, etc. in designated sea areas.

  4. Reinstatement of land

    1. 8. Reinstatement of land held under Act.

    2. 9. Arrangements to ensure reinstatement of other land developed for purposes connected with offshore petroleum.

  5. Miscellaneous and general

    1. 10. Execution of works and disposal of land held under Act.

    2. 11. Loans and guarantees by Secretary of State for facilitating relevant operations.

    3. 12. Supplementary provisions as to acquisition and appropriation of land.

    4. 13. Compensation for adjoining owners and exclusion of actions for nuisance.

    5. 14. Power to require information as to interests in land.

    6. 15. Rights of entry.

    7. 16. Application to Crown land.

    8. 17. Financial provisions.

    9. 18. Savings.

    10. 19. Orders, etc.

    11. 20. Short title, interpretation and extent.


    1. SCHEDULE 1

      Making and Revocation of Expedited Acquisition Orders

      1. 1.(1) Before making an expedited acquisition order the Secretary of...

      2. 2.(1) If any representations with respect to the proposed order...

      3. 4.If the Secretary of State decides not to make the...

      4. 5.(1) Subject to the provisions of this paragraph, the Secretary...

      5. 6.Section 5(3) of the Acquisition of Land (Authorisation Procedure) (Scotland)...

      6. 7.A certificate by the Secretary of State that all or...

    2. SCHEDULE 2


      1. Application of compulsory purchase enactments

        1. 1.(1) As from the date on which the order comes...

      2. Power to take possession

        1. 2.(1) The Secretary of State shall be entitled to enter...

      3. Duty to acquire the land if possession is taken

        1. 3.(1) As soon as may be after taking possession of...

        2. 4.(1) In their application to a general vesting declaration executed...

    3. SCHEDULE 3


      1. 1.Before making a sea designation order the Secretary of State...

      2. 2.(1) If any representations with respect to the proposed order...

      3. 3.If the Secretary of State decides to make the order...

      4. 4.If the Secretary of State decides not to make the...

      5. 5.(1) The Secretary of State may by statutory instrument revoke...