Search Legislation

Endangered Species (Import and Export) Act 1976


This is the original version (as it was originally enacted).

Sections 1, 3, 5 and 6.

SCHEDULE 1Animals the Importation and Exportation of which are restricted

This Schedule applies to the following kinds of animal, namely:—



1All kinds of mammal except the kinds specified in the first column below—

Excepted kindCommon name or names
Macropus giganteusEastern grey kangaroo
Macropus fuliginosusWestern grey kangaroo
Talpa europaeaCommon European mole
Macaca rhesusRhesus monkey
Macaca nemestrinaPig-tailed monkey
Rabbits and hares
Lepus capensisBrown hare
Oryctolagus cuniculusEuropean rabbit (otherwise known as domestic rabbit)
Sciurus carolinensisGrey squirrel
Sciurus vulgarisEurasian red squirrel
Castor canadensisCanadian beaver
Rattus norvegicusCommon rat (otherwise known as laboratory rat)
Rattus rattusShip rat (otherwise known as black rat)
Mus musculusHouse mouse (otherwise known as laboratory mouse)
Meriones unguiculatusClawed jird (otherwise known as Mongolian gerbil)
Any domestic form of Mesocricetus auratusDomestic golden hamster
Any domestic form of Ondatra zibethicusDomestic muskrat (otherwise known as musquash)
Cavia porcellusDomestic guinea pig
Any domestic form of Chinchilla lanigerDomestic chinchilla
Myocastor coypusDomestic coypu (otherwise known as nutria)
Canis familiarisDomestic dog
Vulpes vulpesCommon for and silver fox
Alopex lagopusArctic fox
Procyon lotorNorth American raccoon
Procyon cancrivorusCrab-eating raccoon
Mustela visonNorth American mink
Mustela furoDomestic ferret
Martes zibellinaSable
Felis catusDomestic cat
Callorhinus ursinusNorthern fur seal
Odd-toed ungulates
Equus caballusDomestic horse
Equus asinusDomestic donkey
Equus caballus x asinusMule and hinny
Even-toed ungulates
Any domestic form of Sus scrofaDomestic pig
Lama glamaDomestic llama
Lama pacosDomestic alpaca
Any domestic form of Camelus bactrianusDomestic bactrian camel
Camelus dromedariusArabian camel
Dama damaEuropean fallow deer
Any domestic form of Rangifer tarandusDomestic reindeer
Any domestic form of Bubalus bubalisDomestic water buffalo
Bos taurusDomestic ox
Bos indicusDomestic zebu
Bos frontalisDomestic gayal
Any domestic form of Bos grunniensDomestic yak
Any domestic form of Capra hircusDomestic goat
Ovis ariesDomestic sheep


2All kinds of bird except the kinds specified in the first column below—

Any domestic form of Anser anserDomestic goose
Any domestic form of Anser cygnoidesChinese goose
Any domestic form of Cairina moschataMuscovy duck
Any domestic form of Anas platyrhynchosDomestic duck
Perdix perdixCommon partridge
Lophortyx californicaCalifornia quail
Colinus virginianusBobwhite quail
Excalfactoria chinensisPainted quail (otherwise known as blue-breasted quail)
Bambusicola thoracicaBamboo partridge
Gallus gallusRed junglefowl and domestic fowl
Rollulus roulroulRoulroul partridge
Phasianus colchicusCommon pheasant (otherwise known as ring-necked pheasant)
Phasianus versicolorGreen pheasant
Lophura nycthemeraSilver pheasant
Syrmaticus reevesiReeve's pheasant
ChrysolophusGolden pheasants and Lady Amherst's pheasants
Pavo cristatusIndian peacock (otherwise known as blue peacock)
Numida} Spotted guineafowls
Any domestic form of Meleagris gallopavoTurkey
Grus antigoneSarus crane
Balearica pavoninaCrowned crane
Button quails
TurnixButton quails
Laterallus leucopyrrhusRed and white crake
Pigeons and doves
Columba liviaDomestic pigeon
Streptopelia orientalisRufous turtle dove
Streptopelia bitorquataJavanese turtle dove
Streptopelia decaoctoCollared dove
Streptopelia capicolaRing-necked dove (otherwise known as Cape dove)
Streptopelia tranquebaricaRed turtle dove
Streptopelia chinensisSpotted dove
Turtur chalcospilosGreen-spotted wood dove
Chalcophaps indicaGreen-winged dove
Geopelia striataBarred dove
Geopelia cuneataDiamond dove
Ocyphaps lophotesCrested bronzewing
Phaps chalcopteraCommon bronzewing
Phaps elegansBrush bronzewing
Zenaida auriculataEared dove
Columbina} Small America ground doves
Trichoglossus haematodusRainbow lorikeet
Cacatua sulphureaLesser sulphur-crested cockatoo
Cacatua moluccensisSalmon-crested cockatoo
Cacatua roseicapillaGalah (otherwise known as roseate cockatoo)
Ara araraunaBlue and yellow macaw
Ara chloropteraRed and green macaw
Nandayus nendayBlack-headed conure
Myiopsitta monachusMonk parakeet (otherwise known as quaker parakeet)
Cyanoliseus patagonusPatagonian conure
BrotogerisSmall South America parakeets
Poicephalus rueppelliiRuppell's parrot
Agapornis canaMadagascan lovebird
Agapornis tarantaBlack-winged lovebird
Agapornis roseicollisRosy-faced lovebird
Agapornis fischeriFischer's lovebird
Agapornis personataMasked lovebird
Agapornis lilianaeNyasa lovebird
Agapornis nigrigenisBlack-cheeked lovebird
LoriculusHanging parrots
Psittacula eupatriaAlexandrine parrot
Psittacula himalayanaSlaty-headed parrot
Psittacula cyanocephalaPlum-headed parrot
Psittacula roseateBlossom-headed parrot
Psittacula longicaudaLong-tailed parrot
Psittacula alexandriMoustached parrot
Amazona aestivaBlue-fronted Amazon
Amazona ochrocephalaYellow-headed Amazon
Neophema elegansElegant parakeet
Neophema chrysostomaBlue-winged parakeet
Neophema pulchellaTurquoisine parakeet
Neophema bourkiiBourke's parakeet
Psephotus haematonotusRed-rumped parakeet
Platycercus eximiusNorthern rosella
Platycercus elegansCrimson rosella
Nymphicus hollandicusCockatiel
Melopsittacus undulatusBudgerigar
LamprotornisAfrican glossy starlings
Spreo superbusSuperb starling
Sturnus malabaricusMalabar starling
Sturnus pagodarumPagoda starling
Sturnus roseusRose-coloured starling
Sturnus contraPied starling
Sturnus burmanicusJerdon's starling
AcridotheresTypical mynahs
Gracula religiosaHill mynah
Garrulus glandariusJay
Garrulus lanceolatusLanceolated jay
Cyanocorax yncasGreen jay
Urocissa erythrorhynchaRed-billed blue magpie
Cissa chinensisHunting cissa
Dendrocitta vagabundaRufous tree-pie
Garrulax albogularisWhite-throated laughing-thrush
Garrulax leucolophusWhite-crested laughing-thrush
Garrulax monilegerLesser necklaced laughing-thrush
Garrulax pectoralisGreater necklaced laughing-thrush
Garrulax rufogularisRufous-chinned laughing-thrush
Garrulax canorusHwamei laughing-thrush
Garrulax sannioWhite-browed laughing-thrush
Garrulax erythrocephalusRed-headed laughing-thrush
Leiothrix argentaurisSilver-eared mesia
Leiothrix luteaPekin robin
Minla cyanouropteraBlue-winged siva
Heterophasia capistrataBlack-headed sibia
PycnonotusTypical bulbuls
Chloropsis aurifronsGolden-fronted fruitsucker
Irena puellaFairy bluebird
Copsychus saularisAsian magpie-robin
Copsychus malabaricusShama
Zoothera citrinaOrange-headed ground thrush
Niltava sundaraRufous-bellied niltava
Zosterops palpebrosaOriental white-eye
Zosterops senegalensisYellow white-eye
Icterus icterusTroupial
Serinus serinusCommon serin
Any domestic form of Serinus canariaCanary
Serinus atrogularisYellow-rumped seed-eater
Carduelis sinicaChinese greenfinch
Carduelis spinoidesHimalayan greenfinch
Spinus magellanicusBlack-headed siskin
Carpodacus erythrinusCommon rosefinch (otherwise known as scarlet grosbeak)
Coccothraustes personatusJapanese grosbeak
Coccothraustes migratoriusYellow-billed grosbeak
EstrildaTypical waxbills
UraeginthusBlue waxbills and violet-ears
Hypargos niveoguttatusPeter's twinspot
Ortygospiza atricollisQuail finch
Erythrura prasinaPintailed parrotfinch
Lonchura malabaricaIndian silverbill
Lonchura cantansAfrican silverbill
Lonchura griseicapillaPearl-headed silverbill
Lonchura cucullataBronze-winged manikin
Lonchura bicolorPied manikin
Lonchura fringilloidesMagpie manikin
Lonchura striataStriated munia and Bengalese finch
Lonchura punctulataSpotted munia
Lonchura malaccaBlack-headed munia
Lonchura majaWhite-headed munia
Lonchura castaneothoraxChestnut-breasted finch
Aidemosyna modestaCherry finch (otherwise known as plum-capped finch)
Amadina erythrocephalaRed-headed finch
Amadina fasciataCutthroat
Padda oryzivoraJava sparrow
Emblema guttataSpotted-sided finch (otherwise known as diamond finch)
Neochmia ruficaudaStar finch
Poephila guttataZebra finch
Poephila bichenoviiDouble-barred finch
Poephila personataMasked finch
Poephila acuticaudaLong-tailed finch
Poephila cinctaBlack-throated finch (otherwise known as parson's finch)
Chloebia gouldiaeGouldian finch
Passer luteusGolden sparrow
Petronia xanthocollisYellow-throated sparrow
Sporopipes squamifronsScaly-crowned weaver
Ploceus philippinusBaya weaver
Ploceus intermediusLesser masked weaver
Ploceus velatusGreater masked weaver
Ploceus vitellinusVitelline masked weaver
Quelea cardinalisCardinal quelea
Euplectes anomalusBob-tailed wydah
Euplectes diadematusFire-fronted bishop
Euplectes gierowiiBlack bishop
Euplectes nigroventrisBlack-winged bishop
Euplectes aureusGolden-backed bishop
Euplectes capensisYellow-rumped bishop
Euplectes axillariesFan-tailed wydah
Euplectes hartlaubiMarsh bishop
Euplectes albonotatusWhite-winged bishop
Euplectes progneLong-tailed bishop
Euplectes jacksoniJackson's bishop
Vidua paradisaeaParadise wydah
Emberiza leucocephalaPine bunting
Emberiza ciaRock bunting
Emberiza hortulanaOrtolan bunting
Emberiza tahapisiCinnamon-breasted bunting
Emberiza elegansYellow-throated bunting
Emberiza aureolaYellow-breasted bunting
Emberiza flaviventrisAfrican golden-breasted bunting
Emberiza melanocephalaBlack-headed bunting
Emberiza brunicepsRed-headed bunting
Melophus lathamiCrested bunting
Sicalis flaveolaSaffron finch
Paroaria} Cardinals


3All kinds of reptile except the kinds specified in the first column below—

Hemidactylus brookiiBrook's gecko
Hemidactylus flaviviridis
Hemidactylus frenatusBridled house gecko
Hemidactylus mabouiaMoreau's gecko
Hemidactylus turcicusTurkish gecko
Lygodactylus picturatus
Pachydactylus bibroniiBibron's clawless gecko
Tarentola mauritanicaMoorish gecko
Thecadactylus rapicaudaTurnip-tailed gecko (otherwise known as top-tailed gecko)
Agama agamaMargouillat lizard (otherwise known as rainbow lizard)
Agama atricollisBlack-necked agama
Calotes cristatellusLondok agama
Calotes versicolorHarlequin lizard (otherwise known as bloodsucker lizard)
Leiolepis bellianaBell's agama
Physignathus concinnus
Anolis carolinensisCarolina anole (otherwise known as green anole)
Tropidurus torquatusTaraguira lizard (otherwise known as Wied's ring-necked lizard)
Ameiva ameivaSurinam lizard
Acanthodactylus boskianusDaudin's fringe-toed lizard
Acanthodactylus pardalisLeopard fringe-toed lizard
Lacerta viviparaCommon lizard (otherwise known as viviparous lizard)
Podarcis muralisCommon wall lizard
Podarcis siculaItalian wall lizard
Cordylus cordylusRough-scaled girdled lizard
Gerrhosaurus flavigularisYellow-throated plated lizard
Gerrhosaurus major
Gerrhosaurus nigrigularisBlack-throated plated lizard
Platysaurus guttatus
Chalcides ocellatusOcellated skink
Mabuya mabouyaRaddi's skink
Mabuya multifasciataMany-banded skink
Mabuya striataCommon two-striped skink
Mabuya variaSavanna variable skink
Anguis fragilisSlow worm
Typical snakes
Boaedon fulginosusCommon African house-snake
Coluber constrictorAmerican racer
Coluber viridiflavusEuropean whip-snake
Drymarchon coraisIndigo snake
Elaphe guttataCorn snake
Elaphe obsoleteAmerican rat snake
Lampropeltis getulusCommon king snake
Malpolon monspessulanaMontpellier snake
Natrix mauraViperine snake
Natrix natrixEuropean grass snake
Natrix rhombiferaRhomb snake
Natrix sipedonNorth American water snake
Natrix tessellataTessellated snake (otherwise known as diced snake)
Oxybelis aeneusAmerican vine snake
Oxybelis fulgidus
Philothammus semivariegatus
Spalerosophis diademaClifford's snake
Thamnophis sauritusRibbon snake
Thamnophis sirtalisCommon garter snake
Chrysemys pictaPainted terrapin
Chrysemys scripta elegans (otherwise known as Pseudemys scripta elegans)Red-eared terrapin
Mauremys caspica leprosa (otherwise known as Clemmys caspica leprosa)Spanish terrapin
Snapping turtles
Chelydra serpentinaCommon snapping turtle


4All kinds of amphibian except the kinds specified in the first column below—

Mole salamanders
Ambystoma maculatumAmerican spotted salamander
Ambystoma tigrinumTiger salamander
Salamandra salamandraEuropean spotted salamander
Triturus cristatusCrested newt (otherwise known as warty newt)
Triturus helveticusPalmate newt
Triturus vulgarisCommon newt (otherwise known as smooth newt)
Tongue-less frogs
Xenopus laevisAfrican clawed toad
Fire bellies and midwives
Bombina variegataYellow-bellied toad
Discoglossus pictusPainted frog
True toads
Atelopus ignescens
Bufo bufoEuropean common toad
Bufo marinusGiant toad
Bufo melanostictusAsian common toad
Bufo regularisAfrican square-marked toad
Bufo viridisGreen toad
Narrow-mouthed frogs
Kaloula pulchraMalayan bullfrog
True frogs
Pyxicephalus delalandei (otherwise known as Rana delalandei)Delaland's burrowing frog
Rana angolensisAngola frog
Rana cancrivoraMangrove frog
Rana catesbeianaAmerican bullfrog
Rana chalconota
Rana esculentaEdible frog
Rana ridibundaMarsh frog
Rana temporariaCommon European frog
Rhacophorine tree frogs
Polypedetes leucomystax (otherwise known as Rhacophorus leucomystax)Malayan tree frog
Sedge frogs
Hyperolius concolorHallowe's tree frog
Hyperolius nasutus
Hyperolius picturatus
Hyperolius pusillus
Arrow-poison frogs
Dendrobates auratus
Dendrobates histrionicus
Paradoxical frogs
Pseudis paradoxaParadoxical frog
Hylid tree frogs
Hyla boansGiant tree frog
Hyla cinereaAmerican green tree frog
Hyla crepitans
Hyla cruciferSpring peeper frog
Hyla meridonalisStripeless European tree frog
Hyla nasica
Hyla rubraDaudin's tree frog
Hyla versicolor
Phrynohyas venulosaWarty tree frog
Similisca baudiniMexican tree frog



5The kinds of fish specified in the first column below—

Restricted kindCommon name or names
Acipenser brevirostrumShortnose sturgeon
Acipenser fulvescensLake sturgeon
Acipenser oxyrhynchusAtlantic sturgeon
Acipenser sturioCommon sturgeon
Arapaima gigasArapaima
Scleropages formosusAsiatic bonytongue
Coregonus alpenaeLongjaw cisco
Salmo chrysogasterMexican golden trout
Stenodus leucichthys leucichthysInconnu
Carp and suckers
Chasmistes cujusCui-ui
Plagopterus argentissimusWoundfin
Probarbus jullieniIkan temoleh
Ptychocheilus luciusColorado squawfish
Cynolebias constanciae} Annual killifish
Cynolebias marmoratus
Cynolebias minimus
Cynolebias opalescens
Cynolebias splendens
Xiphophorus couchianusMonterrey platyfish
Latimeria chalumnaeCoelacanth
Australian lungfish
Neoceratodus forsteriAustralian lungfish
Pangasianodon gigasGiant catfish
Stizostedion vitreum glaucumBlue walleye


6The kind of insect specified in the first column below—

Restricted kindCommon name
Parnassius apollo apolloApollo butterfly


7The kinds of mollusc specified below—

Restricted kind
Freshwater mussels
Conradilla caelata
Cyprogenia aberti
Dromus dromas
Epioblasma florentina curtisi (otherwise known as Dysnomia florentina curtisi)
Epioblasma florentina florentina (otherwise known as Dysnomia florentina florentina)
Epioblasma sampsoni (otherwise known as Dysnomia sampsoni)
Epioblasma sulcata perobliqua (otherwise known as Dysnomia sulcata perobliqua)
Epioblasma torulosa gubernaculum (otherwise known as Dysnomia torulosa gubernaculum)
Epioblasma torulosa rangiana (otherwise known as Dysnomia torulosa rangiana)
Epioblasma torulosa torulosa (otherwise known as Dysnomia torulosa torulosa)
Epioblasma turgidula (otherwise known as Dysnomia turgidula)
Epioblasma walkeri (otherwise known as Dysnomia walkeri)
Fusconaia cuneolus
Fusconaia edgariana
Fusconaia subrotunda
Lampsilis brevicula
Lampsilis higginsi
Lampsilis orbiculata orbiculata
Lampsilis satura
Lampsilis virescens
Lexingtonia dolabelloides
Plethobasis cicatricosus
Plethobasis cooperianus
Pleurobema clava
Pleurobema plenum
Potamilus capax (otherwise known as Proptera capax)
Quadrula intermedia
Quadrula sparsa
Toxolasma cylindrella (otherwise known as Carunculina cylindrella)
Unio nickliniana (otherwise known as Megalonaias nickliniana)
Unio tampicoenis tecomatensis (otherwise known as Lampsilis tampicoenis tecomatensis)
Villosa trabalis (otherwise known as Micromya trabalis)
Land snails
Papustyla pulcherrima (otherwise known as Papuina pulcherrima) Paraphanta
Freshwater snails
Coahuilix hubbsi
Cochliopina milleri
Durangonella coahuilae
Mexipyrgus carranzae
Mexipyrgus churinceanus
Mexipyrgus escobedae
Mexipyrgus lugoi
Mexipyrgus mojarralis
Mexipyrgus multilineatus
Mexithauma quadripaludium
Nymphophilus minckleyi
Paludiscala caramba

NOTE: The second column of this Schedule gives a common name or names, where available, and is included by way of guidance only; in the event of any dispute or proceedings, only the first column is to be taken into account.

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