PART IIICriminal Procedure, Penalties, etc.


30Penalties (and mode of trial) for offences made triable only summarily

(1)The enactments specified in column 2 of Schedule 1 to this Act, which relate to the mode of trial of, and the maximum penalties for, the offences mentioned (and broadly described) in column 1 of that Schedule (being the offences which are by section 15(1)(a) above made triable only summarily instead of either way) shall have effect subject to the amendments specified in column 3 of that Schedule.

(2)The said amendments have the effect of altering the maximum penalties available on summary conviction of the offences so mentioned as well as making alterations consequential on their becoming triable only summarily ; and in that Schedule column 4 shows the present maximum penalties by way of fine or imprisonment on summary conviction and on conviction on indictment, and column 5 shows the new maximum penalties resulting from the amendments.

(3)A person who (by virtue of section 15 above) is summarily convicted of an offence under section 2 (assaults by persons committing offences under the Act) or section 9 (entering land, with others, armed and for the purpose of taking or destroying game or rabbits) of the [1828 c. 69.] Night Poaching Act 1828 shall be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to a fine not exceeding £500, or to both (instead of to a maximum penalty on conviction on indictment of seven years imprisonment or a fine or both for an offence under the said section 2, or of fourteen years imprisonment or a fine or both for an offence under the said section 9).

(4)On conviction of an offence consisting in the incitement to commit a summary offence a person shall be liable to the same penalties as he would be liable to on conviction of the last-mentioned offence.