Section 70.

SCHEDULE 3Statutory Offices

Persons qualified
1. Office2. Description3. Standing4. Functions of office
The functions heretofore exercised by the holder of the office of—
Principal Secretary to the Lord Chief Justice.Barrister10 yearsPermanent Secretary of the Supreme Court (other than functions which by virtue of this Act become functions of the Lord Chancellor).
Legal Secretary to the Lord Chief Justice.Barrister7 yearsAssistant Secretary of the Supreme Court.
Master (Queen's Bench and Appeals)Barrister or solicitor10 yearsRegistrar of the Supreme Court.
Registrar (Queen's Bench and Appeals)Barrister or solicitor7 yearsAssistant Registrar of the Supreme Court. Admiralty Registrar.
Master (Chancery)Solicitor10 yearsChancery and Bankruptcy Registrar in relation to or in connection with Chancery matters.
Chief Clerk in relation to or in connection with Chancery matters other than wardship, adoption and company matters.
Master (Bankruptcy)Solicitor10 yearsChancery and Bankruptcy Registrar in relation to or in connection with Bankruptcy matters.
Chief Clerk in relation to or in connection with company matters.
Registrar (Chancery and Bankruptcy)Solicitor7 yearsAssistant Chancery and Bankruptcy Registrar.
Assistant Chief Clerk in relation to or in connection with Chancery matters other than wardship and adoption.
Master (Probate and Matrimonial)Barrister or solicitor10 yearsChief Probate Registrar.
Registrar (Probate and Matrimonial)Barrister or solicitor7 yearsAssistant Probate Registrar.
Master (Care and Protection)Barrister or solicitor10 yearsRegistrar in Lunacy.
Chief Clerk in relation to or in connection with wardship and adoption.
Registrar (Care and Protection)Barrister or solicitor7 yearsAssistant Registrar in Lunacy.
Assistant Chief Clerk in relation to or in connection with wardship and adoption.
Master (Taxing Office)Solicitor10 yearsTaxing Master.
Master (Enforcement of Judgments)Barrister or solicitor10 yearsMaster for the Enforcement of Judgments.
Judicial Officer (Enforcement of Judgments).Barrister or solicitor7 yearsOfficer designated under section 5(1) of the Judgments (Enforcement) Act (Northern Ireland) 1969.
Circuit RegistrarSolicitor7 yearsDistrict Probate Registrar.