PART XMiscellaneous Matters

107Qualification for holding office of solicitors who have been barristers and vice versa

(1)For the purpose of any statutory provision or custom whereby the qualification of a solicitor for holding any office in Northern Ireland depends upon—

(a)his having been admitted for a specified period; or

(b)his having been admitted and in practice for a specified period,

that period, in the case of a solicitor who before admission was a barrister, shall be deemed to include—

(i)where paragraph (a) applies, any period during which he was a barrister; and

(ii)where paragraph (b) applies, any period after his call to the bar during which he was in practice as a barrister.

(2)For the purpose of any statutory provision or custom whereby the qualification of a barrister for holding any office in Northern Ireland depends upon—

(a)his having been called to the bar for a specified period ; or

(b)his having been called to the bar and in practice for a specified period,

that period, in the case of a barrister who before call was a solicitor, shall be deemed to include—

(i)where paragraph (a) applies, any period during which he was a solicitor; and

(ii)where paragraph (b) applies, any period after his admission as a solicitor during which he was in practice as such.

(3)This section applies—

(a)to this Act and to any other statutory provision whether passed or made before or after this Act; and

(b)in relation to persons admitted as solicitors or called to the bar before, as well as after, the passing of this Act.