
PART IIThe High Court

Supervisory and declaratory jurisdiction

25Power of High Court to vary sentence on certiorari

(1)Where a person has been sentenced for an offence by a magistrates' court or, on appeal, by a county court and an application is made to the High Court for an order of certiorari to remove the proceedings of the magistrates' court or the county court into the High Court, and the High Court determines that the magistrates' court or county court had no power to pass the sentence, the High Court may, instead of quashing the conviction, amend it by substituting for the sentence passed any sentence which the magistrates' court had power to impose.

(2)Any sentence passed by the High Court by virtue of this section in substitution for the sentence passed in the proceedings of the magistrates' court or county court shall, unless the High Court otherwise directs, begin to run from the time when it would have begun to run if passed in those proceedings.

(3)Subsections (1) and (2) shall apply, with the necessary modifications, in relation to any order of a magistrates' court or county court which is made on, but does not form part of, the conviction of an offender as they apply in relation to a conviction and sentence.

(4)The High Court may release from custody a person who has been convicted or sentenced by a magistrates' court or, on appeal, by a county court and has applied to the High Court for an order of certiorari to remove the proceedings of the magistrates' court or the county court into the High Court on his entering into a recognizance, with or without sureties, conditioned for his appearance within ten days after the judgment of the High Court is given, unless the conviction or sentence is quashed by that judgment.

(5)The time during which a person is admitted to bail under this section shall not count as any term of imprisonment or detention under his sentence, and any sentence of imprisonment or detention imposed by a magistrates' court or, on appeal, by a county court after the imposition of which a person is so admitted to bail shall be deemed to begin to run or to be resumed as from the date on which he is received under the sentence in the prison or other place where he is to be detained.

(6)Rules of court may prescribe the persons before whom and the manner in which a recognizance under subsection (4) shall be entered into by a person applying for an order of certiorari and the manner in which such a recognizance may be enforced and may authorise the recommittal of persons so applying.