PART IIPowers of Arrest, Detention, Search and Seizure, Etc

11Arrest of terrorists

(1)Any constable may arrest without warrant any person whom he suspects of being a terrorist.

(2)For the purpose of arresting a person under this section a constable may enter and search any premises or other place where that person is or where the constable suspects him of being.

(3)A person arrested under this section shall not be detained in right of the arrest for more than seventy-two hours after his arrest, and section 132 of the [1964 c. 21 (N.I.).] Magistrates' Courts Act (Northern Ireland) 1964 and section 50(3) of the [1968 c. 34 (N.I.).] Children and Young Persons Act (Northern Ireland) 1968 (requirement to bring arrested person before a magistrates' court not later than forty-eight hours after his arrest) shall not apply to any such person.

(4)Where a person is arrested under this section, an officer of the Royal Ulster Constabulary not below the rank of chief inspector may order him to be photographed and to have his finger prints and palm prints taken by a constable, and a constable may use such reasonable force as may be necessary for that purpose.