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Capital Gains Tax Act 1979


This is the original version (as it was originally enacted).

CHAPTER IDisposals

19Disposal of assets

(1)All forms of property shall be assets for the purposes of this Act, whether situated in the United Kingdom or not, including—

(a)options, debts and incorporeal property generally, and

(b)any currency other than sterling, and

(c)any form of property created by the person disposing of it, or otherwise coming to be owned without being acquired.

(2)For the purposes of this Act—

(a)references to a disposal of an asset include, except where the context otherwise requires, references to a part disposal of an asset, and

(b)there is a part disposal of an asset where an interest or right in or over the asset is created by the disposal, as well as where it subsists before the disposal, and generally, there is a part disposal of an asset where, on a person making a disposal, any description of property derived from the asset remains undisposed of.

(3)Subject to the provisions of this Act, a person's acquisition of an asset and the disposal of it to him shall for the purposes of this Act be deemed to be for a consideration equal to the market value of the asset—

(a)where he acquires the asset otherwise than by way of a bargain made at arm's length and in particular where he acquires it by way of gift or by way of distribution from a company in respect of shares in the company, or

(b)where he acquires the asset wholly or partly for a consideration that cannot be valued, or in connection with his own or another's loss of office or employment or diminution of emoluments, or otherwise in consideration for or recognition of his or another's services or past services in any office or employment or of any other service rendered or to be rendered by him or another.

(4)It is hereby declared that winnings from betting, including pool betting, or lotteries or games with prizes are not chargeable gains, and no chargeable gain or allowable loss shall accrue on the disposal of rights to winnings obtained by participating in any pool betting or lottery or game with prizes.

(5)It is hereby declared that sums obtained by way of compensation or damages for any wrong or injury suffered by an individual in his person or in his profession or vocation are not chargeable gains.

20Capital sums derived from assets

(1)Subject to sections 21 and 23(1) below, and to any other exceptions in this Act, there is for the purposes of this Act a disposal of assets by their owner where any capital sum is derived from assets notwithstanding that no asset is acquired by the person paying the capital sum, and this subsection applies in particular to—

(a)capital sums received by way of compensation for any kind of damage or injury to assets or for the loss, destruction or dissipation of assets or for any depreciation or risk of depreciation of an asset,

(b)capital sums received under a policy of insurance of the risk of any kind of damage or injury to, or the loss or depreciation of, assets,

(c)capital sums received in return for forfeiture or surrender of rights, or for refraining from exercising rights, and

(d)capital sums received as consideration for use or exploitation of assets.

(2)In the case of a disposal within paragraph (a), (b), (c) or (d) of subsection (1) above the time of the disposal shall be the time when the capital sum is received as described in that subsection.

(3)In this section “capital sum” means any money or money's worth which is not excluded from the consideration taken into account in the computation under Chapter II below.

21Capital sums: compensation and insurance money

(1)If the recipient so claims, receipt of a capital sum within paragraph (a), (b), (c) or (d) of section 20(1) above derived from an asset which is not lost or destroyed shall not be treated for the purposes of this Act as a disposal of the asset if—

(a)the capital sum is wholly applied in restoring the asset, or

(b)(subject to subsection (2) below), the capital sum is applied in restoring the asset except for a part of the capital sum which is not reasonably required for the purpose and which is small as compared with the whole capital sum, or

(c)(subject to subsection (2) below), the amount of the capital sum is small, as compared with the value of the asset,

but, if the receipt is not treated as a disposal, all sums which would, if the receipt had been so treated, have been brought into account as consideration for that disposal in the computation under Chapter II below of a gain accruing on the disposal shall be deducted from any expenditure allowable under Chapter II below as a deduction in computing a gain on the subsequent disposal of the asset.

(2)If the allowable expenditure is less than the consideration for the disposal constituted by the receipt of the capital sum (or is nil)—

(a)paragraphs (b) and (c) of subsection (1) above shall not apply, and

(b)if the recipient so elects (and there is any allowable expenditure)—

(i)the amount of the consideration for the disposal shall be reduced by the amount of the allowable expenditure, and

(ii)none of that expenditure shall be allowable as a deduction in computing a gain accruing on the occasion of the disposal or any subsequent occasion.

In this subsection “allowable expenditure ” means expenditure which, immediately before the disposal, was attributable to the asset under paragraphs (a) and (b) of section 32(1) below.

(3)If, in a case not falling within subsection (1)(b) above, a part of a capital sum within paragraph (a) or paragraph (b) of section 20(1) above derived from an asset which is not lost or destroyed is applied in restoring the asset, then if the recipient so claims, that part of the capital sum shall not be treated as consideration for the disposal deemed to be effected on receipt of the capital sum but shall be deducted from any expenditure allowable under Chapter II below as a deduction in computing a gain on the subsequent disposal of the asset.

(4)If an asset is lost or destroyed and a capital sum received by way of compensation for the loss or destruction, or under a policy of insurance of the risk of the loss or destruction, is within one year of receipt, or such longer period as the inspector may allow, applied in acquiring an asset in replacement of the asset lost or destroyed the owner shall if he so claims be treated for the purposes of this Act—

(a)as if the consideration for the disposal of the old asset were (if otherwise of a greater amount) of such amount as would secure that on the disposal neither a gain nor a loss accrues to him, and

(b)as if the amount of the consideration for the acquisition of the new asset were reduced by the excess of the amount of the capital sum received by way of compensation or under the policy of insurance, together with any residual or scrap value, over the amount of the consideration which he is treated as receiving under paragraph (a) above.

(5)A claim shall not be made under subsection (4) above if part only of the capital sum is applied in acquiring the new asset but if all of that capital sum except for a part which is less than the amount of the gain (whether all chargeable gain or not) accruing on the disposal of the old asset is so applied, then the owner shall if he so claims be treated for the purposes of this Act—

(a)as if the amount of the gain so accruing were reduced to the amount of the said part (and, if not all chargeable gain, with a proportionate reduction in the amount of the chargeable gain), and

(b)as if the amount of the consideration for the acquisition of the new asset were reduced by the amount by which the gain is reduced under paragraph (a) of this subsection.

(6)Subsections (4) and (5) above have effect subject to paragraph 18 of Schedule 5 to this Act (application to gain which in consequence of that Schedule is not all chargeable gain).

(7)This section shall not apply in relation to a wasting asset.

22Assets lost or destroyed, or whose value becomes negligible

(1)Subject to the provisions of this Act and, in particular to section 137 below (options), the occasion of the entire loss, destruction, dissipation or extinction of an asset shall, for the purposes of this Act, constitute a disposal of the asset whether or not any capital sum by way of compensation or otherwise is received in respect of the destruction, dissipation or extinction of the asset.

(2)If, on a claim by the owner of an asset, the inspector is satisfied that the value of an asset has become negligible, he may allow the claim and thereupon this Act shall have effect as if the claimant had sold, and immediately re-acquired, the asset for a consideration of an amount equal to the value specified in the claim.

(3)For the purposes of subsections (1) and (2) above, a building and any permanent or semi-permanent structure in the nature of a building, may be regarded as an asset separate from the land on which it is situated, but where either of those subsections applies in accordance with this subsection, the person deemed to make the disposal of the building or structure shall be treated as if he had also sold, and immediately reacquired, the site of the building or structure (including in the site any land occupied for purposes ancillary to the use of the building or structure) for a consideration equal to its market value at that time.

23Mortgages and charges

(1)The conveyance or transfer by way of security of an asset or of an interest or right in or over it, or transfer of a subsisting interest or right by way of security in or over an asset (including a retransfer on redemption of the security), shall not be treated for the purposes of this Act as involving any acquisition or disposal of the asset.

(2)Where a person entitled to an asset by way of security or to the benefit of a charge or incumbrance on an asset deals with the asset for the purpose of enforcing or giving effect to the security, charge or incumbrance his dealings with it shall be treated for the purposes of this Act as if they were done through him as nominee by the person entitled to it subject to the security, charge or incumbrance; and this subsection shall apply to the dealings of any person appointed to enforce or give effect to the security, charge or incumbrance as receiver and manager or judicial factor as it applies to the dealings of the person entitled as aforesaid.

(3)An asset shall be treated as having been acquired free of any interest or right by way of security subsisting at the time of any acquisition of it, and as being disposed of free of any such interest or right subsisting at the time of the disposal; and where an asset is acquired subject to any such interest or right the full amount of the liability thereby assumed by the person acquiring the asset shall form part of the consideration for the acquisition and disposal in addition to any other consideration.


A hire-purchase or other transaction under which the use and enjoyment of an asset is obtained by a person for a period at the end of which the property in the asset will or may pass to that person shall be treated for the purposes of this Act, both in relation to that person and in relation to the person from whom he obtains the use and enjoyment of the asset, as if it amounted to an entire disposal of the asset to that person at the beginning of the period for which he obtains the use and enjoyment of the asset, but subject to such adjustments of tax, whether by way of repayment or discharge of tax or otherwise, as may be required where the period for which that person has the use and enjoyment of the asset terminates without the property in the asset passing to him.

25Value shifting

(1)Without prejudice to the generality of the provisions of this Act as to the transactions which are disposals of assets, any transaction which under the following subsections is to be treated as a disposal of an asset shall be so treated (with a corresponding acquisition of an interest in the asset) notwithstanding that there is no consideration and so far as, on the assumption that the parties to the transaction were at arm's length, the party making the disposal could have obtained consideration, or additional consideration, for the disposal the transaction shall be treated as not being at arm's length and the consideration so obtainable, or the additional consideration so obtainable added to the consideration actually passing, shall be treated as the market value of what is acquired.

(2)If a person having control of a company exercises his control so that value passes out of shares in the company owned by him or a person with whom he is connected, or out of rights over the company exercisable by him or by a person with whom he is connected, and passes into other shares in or rights over the company, that shall be a disposal of the shares or rights out of which the value passes by the person by whom they were owned or exercisable.

(3)A loss on the disposal of an asset shall not be an allowable loss to the extent to which it is attributable to value having passed out of other assets, being shares in or rights over a company which by virtue of the passing of value are treated as disposed of under subsection (2) above.

(4)If, after a transaction which results in the owner of land or of any other description of property becoming the lessee of the property there is any adjustment of the rights and liabilities under the lease, whether or not involving the grant of a new lease, which is as a whole favourable to the lessor, that shall be a disposal by the lessee of an interest in the property.

(5)If an asset is subject to any description of right or restriction the extinction or abrogation, in whole or in part, of the right or restriction by the person entitled to enforce it shall be a disposal by him of the right or restriction.

26Value shifting: further provisions

(1)This section has effect as respects the disposal of an asset if a scheme has been effected or arrangements have been made (whether before or after the disposal) whereby—

(a)the value of the asset has been materially reduced, and

(b)a tax-free benefit has been or will be conferred—

(i)on the person making the disposal or a person with whom he is connected, or

(ii)subject to subsection (3) below, on any other person.

(2)For the purposes of subsection (1)(b) above a benefit is conferred on a person if he becomes entitled to any money or money's worth or the value of any asset in which he has an interest is increased or he is wholly or partly relieved from any liability to which he is subject; and a benefit is tax-free unless it is required, on the occasion on which it is conferred on the person in question, to be brought into account in computing his income, profits or gains for the purposes of income tax, capital gains tax or corporation tax.

(3)This section shall not apply by virtue of subsection (1)(b)(ii) above if it is shown that avoidance of tax was not the main purpose or one of the main purposes of the scheme or arrangements in question.

(4)Where this section has effect in relation to any disposal, any allowable loss or chargeable gain accruing on the disposal shall be calculated as if the consideration for the disposal were increased by such amount as appears to the inspector, or on appeal the Commissioners concerned, to be just and reasonable having regard to the scheme or arrangements and the tax-free benefit in question.


(a)by virtue of subsection (4) above the consideration for the disposal of an asset has been treated as increased, and

(b)the benefit taken into account under subsection (1)(b) above was an increase in the value of another asset,

any allowable loss or chargeable gain accruing on the first disposal of the other asset after the increase in its value shall be calculated as if the consideration for that disposal were reduced by such amount as appears to the inspector, or on appeal the Commissioners concerned, to be just and reasonable having regard to the scheme or arrangements in question and the increase made in relation to the disposal mentioned in paragraph (a) above.

(6)References in this section to a disposal do not include references to any disposal falling within—

(a)section 44(1) below (disposals between husband and wife), or

(b)section 49(4) below (disposals by personal representatives to legatees), or

(c)section 273(1) of the Taxes Act (disposals within a group of companies).

(7)In relation to the disposal by a company of an asset consisting of shares in another company the reference in subsection (1)(a) above to a reduction in the value of the asset does not include a reference to any reduction attributable to—

(a)the payment of a dividend by the second company at a time when it and the first company are members of the same group of companies within the meaning of section 272 of the Taxes Act, or

(b)the disposal of any asset by the second company at such a time, being a disposal falling within section 273(1) of that Act.

(8)In relation to a case in which the disposal of an asset precedes its acquisition the reference in subsection (1)(a) above to a reduction shall be read as including a reference to an increase.

27Time of disposal and acquisition where asset disposed of under contract

(1)Where an asset is disposed of and acquired under a contract the time at which the disposal and acquisition is made is the time the contract is made (and not, if different, the time at which the asset is conveyed or transferred).

This subsection has effect subject to section 20(2) above, and subsection (2) below.

(2)If the contract is conditional (and in particular if it is conditional on the exercise of an option) the time at which the disposal and acquisition is made is the time when the condition is satisfied.

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