Alcoholic Liquor Duties Act 1979

Section 55.

SCHEDULE 2Made-Wine: Rates of Duty

Description of made-wine (in strengths measured by reference to the following percentages of alcohol by volume at a temperature of 20° C.)Rates of duty (per gallon)
Made-wine of an alcoholic strength—
not exceeding 10 per cent.2.1100
exceeding 10 but not exceeding 15 per cent.3.1600
exceeding 15 but not exceeding 18 per cent.3.4750
exceeding 18 per cent.3.4750 plus £0.4700 for every 1 per cent, or part of 1 per cent, in excess of 18 per cent.; each of the above rates of duty being, in the case of sparkling made-wine, increased by £0.3300 per gallon.