Part I Criminal Jurisdiction and Procedure

Jurisdiction to issue process and deal with charges

F12Trial of summary offences


A magistrates' court has jurisdiction to try any summary offence.


A magistrates' court has jurisdiction F2under sections 51 and 51A of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 in respect of any offence committed by a person who appears or is brought before the court.


Subject to—


sections 18 to F322A , and


any other enactment (wherever contained) relating to the mode of trial of offences triable either way,

a magistrates' court has jurisdiction to try summarily any offence which is triable either way.


A magistrates' court has jurisdiction, in the exercise of its powers under section 24, to try summarily an indictable offence.


This section does not affect any jurisdiction over offences conferred on a magistrates' court by any enactment not contained in this Act.