Part IIIU.K. Satisfaction and Enforcement

Sums adjudged to be paid by an orderE+W

96 Civil debt: complaint for non-payment.E+W

(1)A magistrates’ court shall not commit any person to prison or other detention in default of payment of a sum enforceable as a civil debt or for want of sufficient distress to satisfy such a sum except by an order made on complaint and on proof to the satisfaction of the court that that person has, or has had since the date on which the sum was adjudged to be paid, the means to pay the sum or any instalment of it on which he has defaulted, and refuses or neglects or, as the case may be, has refused or neglected to pay it.

(2)A complaint under this section may be made at any time notwithstanding anything in this or any other Act.

(3)Where on any such complaint the defendant is committed to custody, such costs incurred by the complainant in proceedings for the enforcement of the sum as the court may direct shall be included in the sum on payment of which the defendant may be released from custody.