PART IIIAdministration and Finance

Advisory councils

71Advisory councils


It shall be lawful for Her Majesty by Order in Council to establish an advisory council consisting, as to not less than two-thirds of the members, of persons qualified to represent the views of various bodies interested in education, for the purpose of advising the Secretary of State on educational matters, and the Secretary of State shall take into consideration any advice or representation submitted to him by the advisory council.


Provision may be made in the said order for the appointment by the advisory council of special committees to deal with remits on particular subjects made to the council by the Secretary of State, for such special committees to be composed of persons nominated by the Secretary of State of whom some shall be members of the council and the remainder shall be persons having special knowledge or experience of the subjects of the respective remits, and for the reports of special committees to be submitted to the Secretary of State by the advisory council, who shall be entitled in submitting the reports to make such comments thereon as they think fit.


The Secretary of State may, after consultation with education authorities and other persons interested, by order establish a regional advisory council for any branch of education, to advise the education authorities and other managers of schools, junior colleges and other educational establishments in the region as to the development of the branch of education for which the council is appointed.