PART XIMaking up of Private Streets

The private street works code

207Provisional apportionment of expenses


In a provisional apportionment of expenses of street works under the private street works code, the apportionment of expenses between the premises liable to be charged with them shall, subject to the provisions of this section, be made according to the frontage of the respective premises.


The street works authority may, if they think just, resolve that in settling the apportionment regard shall be had to the following considerations:—


the greater or less degree of benefit to be derived by any premises from the street Works;


the amount and value of any work already done by the owners or occupiers of any premises.


The authority may—


if they think just, include in the apportionment any premises which do not front the street, but have access to it through a court, passage, or otherwise, and which will, in the opinion of the authority, be benefited by the works, and


fix, by reference to the degree of benefit to be derived by those premises, the amount to be apportioned on them.