SCHEDULE 3E+W+S Power to Slaughter in Relation to Certain Diseases

Cattle plagueE+W+S

1(1)The Minister shall cause to be slaughtered all animals affected with cattle plague.E+W+S

(2)Where an animal is or has been in the same shed, stable, herd or flock as, or in contact with, an animal affected with cattle plague, the Minister may, if he is satisfied that the slaughter of the animal is necessary for preventing the spreading of cattle plague, cause the animal to be slaughtered.

(3)The Minister may, if he thinks fit, in any case cause to be slaughtered—

(a)any animals suspected of being affected with cattle plague, or being in a place infected with cattle plague;

(b)any animals being in such parts of an area infected with cattle plague as are not comprised in a place infected with cattle plague (but in this last-mentioned case subject to such regulations as the Treasury by statutory instrument think fit to make).

(4)The Minister shall for animals slaughtered under this paragraph pay compensation as follows—

(a)where the animal slaughtered was affected with cattle plague, the compensation shall be one half of its value immediately before it became so affected, but so that the compensation does not in any such case exceed £20; and

(b)in every other case the compensation shall be the value of the animal immediately before it was slaughtered, but so that the compensation does not in any case exceed £40.