Central Office and Accountant General

96 Central Office.


The Central Office of the Supreme Court shall perform such business as the F1Lord Chief Justice may, with the concurrence of the Lord Chancellor, direct.


Subject to any direction F2under subsection (1), the Central Office shall perform such business as it performed immediately before the commencement of this Act.


The Lord Chief Justice may nominate a judicial office holder (as defined in section 109(4) of the Constitutional Reform Act 2005) to exercise his functions under this section.

97 Accountant General.


There shall continue to be an Accountant General of, and an accounting department for, the Supreme Court.


The Lord Chancellor shall appoint such person as he thinks fit to the office in the Supreme Court of Accountant General of the Supreme Court and the person so appointed shall hold and vacate office in accordance with the terms of his appointment.


The Accountant General shall be paid such salary or fees as the Lord Chancellor determines with the consent of the Treasury.


If one person holds office both as the Accountant General and as the Public Trustee then, if he ceases to be the Public Trustee, he shall also cease to be the Accountant General unless the Lord Chancellor otherwise directs.


If a vacancy occurs in the office of Accountant General or the person appointed to hold the office is for any reason unable to act for any period such person as the Lord Chancellor appoints as deputy in that office shall, during the vacancy or that period, perform the functions of that office (and any property vested in the Accountant General may accordingly be dealt with by the deputy in all respects as if it were vested in him instead).