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Sections 1, 2, 4, 6, 19 and 22.
Common name | Scientific name |
Avocet | Recurvirostra avosetta |
Bee-eater | Merops apiaster |
Bittern | Botaurus stellaris |
Bittern, Little | Ixobrychus minutus |
Bluethroat | Luscinia svecica |
Brambling | Fringilla montifringilla |
Bunting, Cirl | Emberiza cirlus |
Bunting, Lapland | Calcarius lapponicus |
Bunting, Snow | Plectrophenax nivalis |
Buzzard, Honey | Pernis apivorus |
[F1Capercaillie] | [F1 Tetracurogallus] |
Chough | Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax |
Corncrake | Crex crex |
Crake, Spotted | Porzana porzana |
Crossbills (all species) | Loxia |
Curlew, Stone | Burhinus oedicnemus |
Divers (all species) | Gavia |
Dotterel | Charadrius morinellus |
Duck, Long-tailed | Clangula hyemalis |
Eagle, Golden | Aquila chrysaetos |
Eagle, White-tailed | Haliaetus albicilla |
Falcon, Gyr | Falco rusticolus |
Fieldfare | Turdus pilaris |
Firecrest | Regulus ignicapillus |
Garganey | Anas querquedula |
Godwit, Black-tailed | Limosa limosa |
Goshawk | Accipiter gentilis |
Grebe, Black-necked | Podiceps nigricollis |
Grebe, Slavonian | Podiceps auritus |
Greenshank | Tringa nebularia |
Gull, Little | Larus minutus |
Gull, Mediterranean | Larus melanocephalus |
Harriers (all species) | Circus |
Heron, Purple | Ardea purpurea |
Hobby | Falco subbuteo |
Hoopoe | Upupa epops |
Kingfisher | Alcedo atthis |
Kite, Red | Milvus milvus |
Merlin | Falco columbarius |
Oriole, Golden | Oriolus oriolus |
Osprey | Pandion haliaetus |
Owl, Barn | Tyto alba |
Owl, Snowy | Nyctea scandiaca |
Peregrine | Falco peregrinus |
Petrel, Leach’s | Oceanodroma leucorhoa |
Phalarope, Red-necked | Phalaropus lobatus |
Plover, Kentish | Charadrius alexandrinus |
Plover, Little Ringed | Charadrius dubius |
Quail, Common | Coturnix coturnix |
Redstart, Black | Phoenicurus ochruros |
Redwing | Turdus iliacus |
Rosefinch, Scarlet | Carpodacus erythrinus |
Ruff | Philomachus pugnax |
Sandpiper, Green | Tringa ochropus |
Sandpiper, Purple | Calidris maritima |
Sandpiper, Wood | Tringa glareola |
Scaup | Aythya marila |
Scoter, Common | Melanitta nigra |
Scoter, Velvet | Melanitta fusca |
Serin | Serinus serinus |
Shorelark | Eremophila alpestris |
Shrike, Red-backed | Lanius collurio |
Spoonbill | Platalea leucorodia |
Stilt, Black-winged | Himantopus himantopus |
Stint, Temminck’s | Calidris temminckii |
Swan, Bewick’s | Cygnus bewickii |
Swan, Whooper | Cygnus cygnus |
Tern, Black | Chlidonias niger |
Tern, Little | Sterna albifrons |
Tern, Roseate | Sterna dougallii |
Tit, Bearded | Panurus biarmicus |
Tit, Crested | Parus cristatus |
Treecreeper, Short-toed | Certhia brachydactyla |
Warbler, Cetti’s | Cettia cetti |
Warbler, Dartford | Sylvia undata |
Warbler, Marsh | Acrocephalus palustris |
Warbler, Savi’s | Locustella luscinioides |
Whimbrel | Numenius phaeopus |
Woodlark | Lullula arborea |
Wryneck | Jynx torquilla |
Textual Amendments
F1Sch. 1 Pt. I: Words inserted (S.) (4.11.2001) by S.S.I. 2001/337, reg. 2(3)
Common name | Scientific name |
Goldeneye | Bucephala clangula |
Goose, Greylag (in Outer Hebrides, Caithness, Sutherland and Wester Ross only) | Anser anser |
Pintail | Anas acuta |
Note. The common name or names given in the first column of this Schedule are included by way of guidance only; in the event of any dispute or proceedings, the comon name or names shall not be taken into account.