3U.K.The kinds of reptile specified in the first column below—
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Alligator sinensis | Chinese alligator |
Caiman crocodilus apaporiensis | Rio Apaporis caiman (otherwise known as Spectacled caiman) |
Caiman latirostris | Broad-nosed caiman |
Melanosuchus niger | Black caiman |
Crocodylus acutus | American crocodile |
Crocodylus cataphractus | African slender-snouted crocodile (otherwise known as African sharp-nosed crocodile) |
Crocodylus intermedius | Orinoco crocodile |
Crocodylus moreletii | Morelet’s crocodile |
Crocodylus niloticus | Nile crocodile |
Crocodylus novaeguineae mindorensis | Philippine crocodile |
Crocodylus palustris | Mugger (otherwise known as Marsh crocodile or Broad-snouted crocodile) |
Crocodylus porosus | Estuarine crocodile (otherwise known as Salt-water crocodile) |
Crocodylus rhombifer | Cuban crocodile |
Crocodylus siamensis | Siamese crocodile |
Osteolaemus tetraspis | West African dwarf crocodile |
Tomistoma schlegelii | False gharial (otherwise known as False gavial) |
Gavialis gangeticus | Indian gharial (otherwise known as Indian gavial) |
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Brachylophus | Fijian iguanas |
Cyclura | Caribbean rock iguanas |
Sauromalus varius | San Esteban Island chuck-walla |
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Varanus bengalensis | Bengal monitor (otherwise known as Indian monitor or Common monitor) |
Varanus flavescens | Yellow monitor |
Varanus griseus | Desert monitor (otherwise known as Agra monitor or Grey monitor) |
Varanus komodoensis | Komodo dragon |
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Acrantophis | Madagascar boas |
Bolyeria | Round island boas |
Casarea | Round island boas |
Epicrates inornatus | Yellow tree boa |
Epicrates subflavus | Jamaican boa |
Python molurus molurus | Indian python (otherwise known as Indian rock python) |
Sanzinia madagascariensis | Madagascar boa |
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Sphenodon punctatus | Tuatara |
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Batagur baska | River terrapin (otherwise known as Tuntong) |
Geoclemys hamiltonii (otherwise known as Damonia hamiltonii) | Black pond turtle (otherwise known as Spotted pond turtle) |
Melanochelys tricarinata (otherwise known as Geoemyda tricarinata or Nicoria tricarinata) | Three-keeled turtle (otherwise known as Three-keeled land tortoise) |
Kachuga tecta tecta | Indian tent turtle (otherwise known as Indian sawback turtle or Roofed turtle or Dura turtle) |
Morenia ocellata | Burmese swamp turtle |
Terrapene coahuila | Aquatic box turtle (otherwise known as Water box turtle) |
Geochelone elephantopus (otherwise known as Testudo elephantopus) | Galapagos giant tortoise |
Geochelone radiata (otherwise known as Testudo radiata) | Radiated tortoise (otherwise known as Rayed tortoise) |
Geochelone yniphora (otherwise known as Testudo yniphora) | Madagascar tortoise (otherwise known as Rayed tortoise or Angonoka) |
Gopherus flavomarginatus (otherwise known as Crophemus polyphemus flavomarginatus) | Mexican gopher tortoise |
Psammobates geometricus (otherwise known as Testudo geometricus) | Geometric tortoise |
Cheloniidae | Sea turtles |
Dermochelys coriacea | Leatherback turtle (otherwise known as Leathery turtle or Luth) |
Lissemys punctata punctata | Indian flap-shelled turtle |
Trionyx ater | Cuatro Cienegas soft-shell turtle (otherwise known as Black soft-shelled turtle) |
Trionyx gangeticus | Ganges soft-shelled turtle (otherwise known as Indian soft-shelled turtle) |
Trionyx hurum | Peacock-marked soft-shelled turtle |
Trionyx nigricans | Dark-coloured soft-shelled turtle |
Pseudemydura umbrina | Short-necked turtle (otherwise known as Western swamp turtle) |