SCHEDULE 10 Amendment of the Endangered Species (Import and Export) Act 1976
Part II Schedule inserted as Schedule 4
SCHEDULE 4 Animals the Sale etc. of Which is Restricted
This Schedule applies to the following kinds of animals, namely—
The kinds of mammal specified in the first column below—
Kind | Common name |
Bettongia | Rat kangaroo |
Caloprymnus campestris | Desert rat-kangaroo |
Lagorchestes hirsutus | Western hare-wallaby |
Lagostrophus fasciatus | Banded hare-wallaby |
Onychogalea fraenata | Bridle nail-tailed wallaby |
Onychogalea lunata | Crescent nail-tailed wallaby |
Lasiorhinus krefftii | Queensland hairy-nosed wombat |
Chaeropus ecaudatus | Pig-footed bandicoot |
Macrotis lagotis | Rabbit-bandicoot |
Macrotis leucara | Lesser rabbit-bandicoot |
Perameles bougainville | Western barred bandicoot |
Sminthopsis longicaudata | Long-tailed dunnart |
Sminthopsis psammophila | Sandhill dunnart |
Thylacinus cynocephalus | Tasmanian wolf |
Allocebus | Hairy-eared dwarf lemur |
Cheirogaleus | Dwarf lemurs |
Hapalemur | Gentle lemurs |
Lemur | Lemurs |
Lepilemur | Sportive and weasel lemurs |
Microcebus | Mouse lemurs |
Phaner | Fork-marked mouse lemurs |
Avahi | Avahis (otherwise known as Woolly indris) |
Indri | Indris |
Propithecus | Sifakas |
Daubentonia madagascariensis | Aye-aye |
Callimico goeldii | Goeldi’s marmoset (otherwise known as Goeldi’s tamarin) |
Callithrix aurita | White eared marmoset |
Callithrix flaviceps | Buff-headed marmoset |
Leontopithecus | Maned tamarin (otherwise known as Golden tamarin) |
Saguinus bicolor | Pied tamarin |
Saguinus geoffroyi | Geoffroy’s tamarin |
Saguinus leucopus | White-footed tamarin |
Saguinus oedipus | Cotton-headed tamarin |
Alouatta palliata (otherwise known as Alouatta villosa) | Mantled howler |
Ateles geoffroyi frontatus | Black-browed spider monkey |
Ateles geoffroyi panamensis | Red spider monkey |
Brachyteles arachnoides | Woolly spider monkey |
Cacajao | Uakaris |
Chiropotes albinasus | White-nosed saki |
Saimiri oerstedii | Red-backed squirrel monkey |
Cercocebus galeritus galeritus | Tana River mangabey |
Cercopithecus diana | Diana monkey |
Colobus badius kirkii | Kirk’s red colobus (otherwise known as Zanzibar red colobus) |
Colobus badius rufomitratus | Tana River red colobus |
Macaca silenus | Lion-tailed macaque |
Nasalis larvatus | Proboscis monkey |
Papio leucophaeus (otherwise known as Mandrillus leucophaeus) | Drill |
Papio sphinx (otherwise known as Mandrillus sphinx) | Mandrill |
Presbytis entellus | Langur (otherwise known as Entellus langur or True langur) |
Presbytis geei | Golden langur |
Presbytis pileatus | Caped langur |
Presbytis potenziani | Mentawi leaf monkey |
Pygathrix nemaeus | Douc langur |
Rhinopithecus roxellanae | Snub-nosed langur |
Simias concolor | Mentawi snub-nosed langur |
Hybolates | Gibbons |
Symphalangus syndactylus | Siamang |
Pongidae | Great apes |
Pridontes giganteus (otherwise known as Priodontes maximus) | Giant armadillo |
Manis temmincki | South African pangolin |
Rabbits and hares
Caprolagus hispidus | Assam rabbit (otherwise known as Hispid hare) |
Romerolagus diazi | Volcano rabbit |
Cynomys mexicanus | Mexican prairie marmot |
Leporillus conditor | Australian sticknest rat |
Pseudomys fumeus | Smoky mouse |
Pseudomys praeconis | Shark Bay mouse |
Xeromys myoides | False water rat |
Zyzomys pendunculatus | Central thick-tailed rat |
Chinchilla (except any domestic form of Chinchilla laniger) | Chinchilla |
Lipotes vexillifer | Chinese river dolphin |
Physter catodon (otherwise known as Physeter macrocephalus) | Sperm whale |
Platanista gangetica | Ganges dolphin |
Platanista minor | Indus river dolpin |
Sotalia | Humpbacked dolphins |
Sousa | Humpacked dolphins |
Neophocaena phocaenoides | Finless porpoise |
Phocoena sinus | Cochito |
Balaena mysticetus | Greenland right whale (otherwise known as Bowhead whale) |
Balaenoptera borealis | Sei whale |
Balaenoptera musculus | Blue whale |
Balaenoptera physalus | Common rorqual |
Eschrichtius | Grey whales |
Eubalaena | Right whales |
Megaptera novaeangliae | Humpback whale |
Spethos venaticus | Bush dog |
Vulpes velox hebes | Northern kit fox |
Helarctos malayanus | Sun bear |
Selenarctos thibetanus | Asiatic black bear |
Tremarctos ornatus | Spectacled bear |
Ursus arctos isabellinus | Brown bear |
Ursus arctos nelsoni | Mexican brown bear |
Ursus arctos pruinosus | Tibetan brown bear |
Aonyx microdon | Cameroon clawless otter |
Enhydra lutris nereis | Southern sea otter |
Lutra felina | Marine otter |
Lutra longicaudis | South American otter |
Lutra lutra | Eurasian otter |
Lutra provocax | Southern river otter |
Mustela nigripes | Black-footed ferret |
Pteronura brasiliensis | Giant otter |
Prionodon pardicolor | Spotted linsang |
Hyaena brunnea | Brown hyaena |
Acinonyx jubatus | Cheetah |
Felis bengalensis bengalensis | Leopard cat |
Felis concolor coryi | Florida puma |
Felis concolor costaricensis | Costa Rica puma |
Felis concolor cougar | Eastern puma |
Felis jacobita | Andean cat |
Felis rufa escuinapae | Mexican bobcat |
Felis marmorata | Marbled cat |
Felis nigripes | Black-footed cat |
Felis pardalis mearnsi | Costa Rica ocelot |
Felis pardalis mitis | Brazilian ocelot |
Felis planiceps | Flat-headed cat |
Felis rubiginosa | Rusty spotted cat |
Felis temmincki | Asiatic golden cat |
Felis tigrina oncilla | Little spotted cat |
Felis wiedii nicaraguae | Nicaraguan margay |
Felis wiedii salvinia | Guatemalan margay |
Felis yagouaroundi cacomitli | Jaguarundi |
Felis yagouaroundi fossata | Jaguarundi |
Felis yagouaroundi panamensis | Jaguarundi |
Felis yagouaroundi tolteca | Jaguarundi |
Neofelis nebulosa | Clouded leopard |
Panthera leo persica | Asiatic lion |
Panthera onca | Jaguar |
Panthera pardus | Leopard |
Panthera tigris | Tiger |
Panthera uncia | Snow leopard |
Arcocephalus townsendi | Guadelupe fur seal |
Monachus | Monk seals |
Elephas maximus | Asian elephant |
Dugong dugon | Dugong (otherwise known as Sea-cow) |
Trichechus inunguis | Amazonian manatee |
Trichechus manatus | West Indian manatee |
Odd-toed ungulates
Equus grevyi | Grevy’s zebra |
Equus hemionus hemionus | Mongolian wild ass |
Equus hemionus khur | Indian wild ass |
Equus przewalskii | Przewalski’s horse |
Equus zebra zebra | Cape mountain zebra |
Tapirus bairdii | Central American tapir |
Tapirus indicus | Malayan tapir (otherwise known as Indian tapir) |
Tapirus pinchaque | Mountain tapir (otherwise known as Woolly tapir) |
Rhinocerotidae | Rhinoceroses |
Even-toed ungulates
Babyrousa babyrussa | Babirusa |
Sus salvanius | Pygmy hog |
Vicugna vicugna | Calamian deer |
Axis kuhli | Bawean deer |
Axis porcinus annamiticus | Thai hog deer |
Blastocerus dichotomus | Marsh deer |
Cervus duvauceli | Swamp deer |
Cervus elaphus hanglu | Kashmir stag (otherwise known as Hanglu) |
Cervus eldi | Brow-antlered deer |
Dama mesopotamica | Persian fallow deer |
Hippocamelus antisiensis | Peruvian huemal |
Hippocamelus bisulcus | Chilean huemal |
Moschus moschiferus moschiferus | Himalayan musk deer |
Ozotoceros bezoarticus | Pampas deer |
Pudu pudu | Chilean pudu |
Antilocapra americana peninsularis | Lower California pronghorn |
Antilocapra americana sonoriensis | Sonoran pronghorn |
Bison bison athabascae | Wood bison |
Bos gaurus | Gaur |
Bos mutus | Wild yak |
Bubulas depressicornis | Lowland anoa |
Bubalus mindorensis | Tamaraw |
Bubalus quarlesi | Mountain anoa |
Capra falconeri chiltanensis | Markhor |
Capra falconeri jerdoni | Markhor |
Capra falconeri megaceros | Markhor |
Capricornis sumatraensis | Serow |
Hippotragus niger variani | Giant sable antelope |
Nemorhaedua goral | Goral |
Novibos sauveli | Koupray |
Oryx leucoryx | Arabian oryx |
Ovis ammon hodgsoni | Great Tibetan sheep |
Ovis orientalis ophion | Cyprian mouflon |
Ovis vignei | Urial |
Pantholops hodgsoni | Tibetan antelope |
Rupicapra rupicapra ornata | Abrussi chamois |
The kinds of bird specified in the first column below—
Pterocnemia pennata | Lesser rhea |
Tinamus solitarius | Solitary tinamou |
Spheniscus humboldti | Humboldt penguin |
Podilymbus gigas | Atitlan grebe |
Diomedea albatrus | Short-tailed albatross |
Pelican-like birds
Sula abbotti | Abbot’s booby |
Fregata andrewsi | Christmas Island frigatebird |
Ciconia ciconia boyciana | Japanese white stork |
Geronticus eremita | Bald ibis |
Nipponia nippon | Japanese crested ibis |
Anas aucklandica nesiotis | Campbell Island Flightless teal |
Anas laysanensis | Laysan duck |
Anas oustaleti | Marianas Island duck (otherwise known as Marianas Mallard) |
Branta canadensis leucopareia | Aleutian Canada goose |
Branta sandvicensis | Hawaiian goose (otherwise known as Nene) |
Cairina scutulata | White winged wood duck |
Rhodonessa caryophyllacea | Pink-headed duck |
Diurnal Birds of Prey
Cathartidae | New world vultures |
Pandion haliaetus | Osprey |
Accipitridae | True hawks |
Sagittarius serpentarius | Secretary bird |
Falconidae | Falcons |
Aburria jacutinga | Black-fronted curassow (otherwise known as Black-fronted guan) |
Aburria pipile | White-headed curassow (otherwise known as Piping guan) |
Catreus wallichii | Cheer pheasant |
Colinus virginianus ridgwayi | Masked bobwhite |
Crax blumenbachii | Red-billed curassow |
Crax mitu | Razor-billed curassow |
Crossoptilon crossoptilon | White Eared-pheasant |
Crossoptilon mantchuricum | Brown Eared-pheasant |
Lophophorus impejanus | Himalayan monal |
Lophophorus lhuysii | Chinese monal |
Lophophorus sclateri | Sclater’s monal |
Lophura edwardsi | Edward’s pheasant |
Lophura imperialis | Imperial pheasant |
Lophura swinhoei | Swinhoe’s pheasant |
Macrocephalon maleo | Maleo Fowl |
Oreophasis derbianus | Horned guan |
Penelope albipennis | White-winged guan |
Polyplectron emphanum | Palawan peacock pheasant |
Syrmaticus ellioti | Elliot’s pheasant |
Syrmaticus humiae | Hume’s pheasant (otherwise known as Bar-tailed pheasant) |
Syrmaticus mikado | Mikado pheasant |
Tetraogallus caspius | Caspian snowcock |
Tetraogallus tibetanus | Tibetan snowcock |
Tragopan blythii | Blyth’s tragopan |
Tragopan caboti | Cabot’s tragopan |
Tragopan melanocephalus | Western tragopan |
Tympanuchus cupido attwateri | Attwater’s prairie chicken |
Cranes and rails
Grus americana | Whooping crane |
Grus canadensis nesiotes | Cuban sandhill crane |
Grus canadensis pulla | Mississippi sandhill crane |
Grus japonensis | Manchurian crane (otherwise known as Japanese crane) |
Grus leucogeranus | Siberian White crane |
Grus monacha | Hooded crane |
Grus nigricollis | Black-necked crane |
Grus vipio | White-necked crane (otherwise known as White-naped crane) |
Tricholimnas sylvestris | Lord Howe wood-rail |
Rhynochetos jubatus | Kagu |
Chlamydotis undulata | Houbara bustard |
Choriotis nigriceps (otherwise known as Ardeotis nigriceps) | Great Indian bustard |
Eupodotis bengalensis | Bengal florican |
Waders and Gulls
Numenius borealis | Eskimo curlew |
Tringa guttifer | Spotted greenshank (otherwise known as Nordmann’s greenshank) |
Larus relictus | Relict gull |
Pigeons and doves
Caloenas nicobarica | Nicobar pigeon |
Ducula mindorensis | Mindoro imperial pigeon |
Amazona arausiaca | Red-necked parrot (otherwise known as Red-necked amazon) |
Amazona barbadensis | Yellow-shouldered parrot (otherwise known as Yellow-shouldered amazon) |
Amazona brasiliensis | Red-tailed parrot (otherwise known as Red-tailed amazon) |
Amazona guildingii | St. Vincent parrot (otherwise known as St. Vincent amazon) |
Amazona imperialis | Imperial parrot (otherwise known as Imperial amazon) |
Amazona leucocephala | Cuban parrot (otherwise known as Cuban amazon) |
Amazona pretrei | Red-spectacled parrot (otherwise known as Red-spectacled amazon) |
Amazona rhodocorytha(otherwise known as Amazona dufresniana rhodocorytha) | Red-crowned parrot (otherwise known as Red-crowned amazon) |
Amazona versicolor | St Lucia parrot (otherwise known as St Lucia amazon) |
Amazona vinacea | Vinaceous parrot (otherwise known as Vinaceous amazon) |
Amazona vittata | Puerto Rico parrot (otherwise known as Puerto Rican amazon) |
Anodorhynchus glaucus | Glaucous macaw |
Anodorhynchus leari | Lear’s macaw |
Aratinga guaruba | Golden parakeet (otherwise known as Golden conure) |
Cyanopsitta spixii | Spix’s macaw |
Cyanoramphus auriceps forbesi | Forbes’ parakeet |
Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae | Red-fronted parakeet |
Cyclopsitta diophthalma coxeni (otherwise known as Opopsitta diophthalma coxeni) | Coxen’s fig parrot |
Geopsittacus occidentalis | Australian night parrot |
Neophema chrysogaster | Orange-bellied parakeet (otherwise known as Orange-bellied parrot) |
Pezoporus wallicus | Ground parrot |
Pionopsitta pileata | Red-capped parrot (otherwise known as Pileated parrot) |
Psephotus chrysopterygius | Golden-shouldered parakeet (otherwise known as Golden-shouldered parrot or Hooded parakeet) |
Psephotus pulcherrimus | Paradise parrot |
Psittacula echo (otherwise known as Psittacula krameri echo) | Mauritius parakeet (otherwise known as Mauritius ring-necked parakeet) |
Psittacus erithacus princeps | Fernando Po grey parrot |
Pyrrhura cruentata | Blue-throated conure |
Rhynchopsitta pachyrhyncha | Thick-billed parrot |
Rhynchopsitta terrisi | Maroon-fronted parrot |
Strigops habroptilus | Kakapo (otherwise known as Owl parrot) |
Ramphodon dohrnii | Hook-billed hermit |
Pharomachrus mocinno costaricensis | Costa Rican quetzal (otherwise known as Resplendent quetzal) |
Pharomachrus mocinno mocinno | Magnificent quetzal (otherwise known as Resplendent quetzal) |
Tytonidae | Barn owls |
Strigidae | Typical owls |
Buceros bicornis (otherwise known as Buceros homrai | Great pied hornbill |
Rhinoplax vigil | Helmeted hornbill |
Campephilus imperialis | Imperial woodpecker |
Dryocopus javensis richardsi | Tristram’s woodpecker (otherwise known as White-bellied black woodpecker) |
Cotinga maculata | Banded cotinga |
Xipholena atropurpurea | White-winged cotinga |
Pitta kochi | Koch’s pitta |
Atrichornis clamosa | Noisy scrub-bird |
Leucopsar rothschildi | Rothschild’s mynah |
Dasyornis brachypterus longirostris | Western bristlebird |
Dasyornis broadbenti littoralis | Western rufous bristlebird |
Picathartes gymnocephalus | White-necked rockfowl (otherwise known as Yellow-headed rockfowl or Guinea bear-headed rockfowl) |
Picathartes oreas | Grey-necked rockfowl (otherwise known as Cameroon bare-headed rockfowl or Red-headed rockfowl) |
Zosterops albogularis | White-breasted silver-eye |
Meliphaga cassidix | Helmeted honeyeater |
Spinus cucullatus (otherwise known as Carduelis cucullatus) | Red siskin |