X1SCHEDULE 10 Amendment of the Endangered Species (Import and Export) Act 1976

Editorial Information

The text of Sch. 7 paras. 3-12 and Sch. 10 is in the form in which it was originally enacted: it was not reproduced in Statutes in Force and does not reflect any amendments or repeals which may have been made prior to 1.2.1991.

Part II Schedule inserted as Schedule 4



The kinds of bird specified in the first column below—


Pterocnemia pennata

Lesser rhea


Tinamus solitarius

Solitary tinamou


Spheniscus humboldti

Humboldt penguin


Podilymbus gigas

Atitlan grebe


Diomedea albatrus

Short-tailed albatross

Pelican-like birds

Sula abbotti

Abbot’s booby

Fregata andrewsi

Christmas Island frigatebird


Ciconia ciconia boyciana

Japanese white stork

Geronticus eremita

Bald ibis

Nipponia nippon

Japanese crested ibis


Anas aucklandica nesiotis

Campbell Island Flightless teal

Anas laysanensis

Laysan duck

Anas oustaleti

Marianas Island duck (otherwise known as Marianas Mallard)

Branta canadensis leucopareia

Aleutian Canada goose

Branta sandvicensis

Hawaiian goose (otherwise known as Nene)

Cairina scutulata

White winged wood duck

Rhodonessa caryophyllacea

Pink-headed duck

Diurnal Birds of Prey


New world vultures

Pandion haliaetus



True hawks

Sagittarius serpentarius

Secretary bird




Aburria jacutinga

Black-fronted curassow (otherwise known as Black-fronted guan)

Aburria pipile

White-headed curassow (otherwise known as Piping guan)

Catreus wallichii

Cheer pheasant

Colinus virginianus ridgwayi

Masked bobwhite

Crax blumenbachii

Red-billed curassow

Crax mitu

Razor-billed curassow

Crossoptilon crossoptilon

White Eared-pheasant

Crossoptilon mantchuricum

Brown Eared-pheasant

Lophophorus impejanus

Himalayan monal

Lophophorus lhuysii

Chinese monal

Lophophorus sclateri

Sclater’s monal

Lophura edwardsi

Edward’s pheasant

Lophura imperialis

Imperial pheasant

Lophura swinhoei

Swinhoe’s pheasant

Macrocephalon maleo

Maleo Fowl

Oreophasis derbianus

Horned guan

Penelope albipennis

White-winged guan

Polyplectron emphanum

Palawan peacock pheasant

Syrmaticus ellioti

Elliot’s pheasant

Syrmaticus humiae

Hume’s pheasant (otherwise known as Bar-tailed pheasant)

Syrmaticus mikado

Mikado pheasant

Tetraogallus caspius

Caspian snowcock

Tetraogallus tibetanus

Tibetan snowcock

Tragopan blythii

Blyth’s tragopan

Tragopan caboti

Cabot’s tragopan

Tragopan melanocephalus

Western tragopan

Tympanuchus cupido attwateri

Attwater’s prairie chicken

Cranes and rails

Grus americana

Whooping crane

Grus canadensis nesiotes

Cuban sandhill crane

Grus canadensis pulla

Mississippi sandhill crane

Grus japonensis

Manchurian crane (otherwise known as Japanese crane)

Grus leucogeranus

Siberian White crane

Grus monacha

Hooded crane

Grus nigricollis

Black-necked crane

Grus vipio

White-necked crane (otherwise known as White-naped crane)

Tricholimnas sylvestris

Lord Howe wood-rail

Rhynochetos jubatus


Chlamydotis undulata

Houbara bustard

Choriotis nigriceps (otherwise known as Ardeotis nigriceps)

Great Indian bustard

Eupodotis bengalensis

Bengal florican

Waders and Gulls

Numenius borealis

Eskimo curlew

Tringa guttifer

Spotted greenshank (otherwise known as Nordmann’s greenshank)

Larus relictus

Relict gull

Pigeons and doves

Caloenas nicobarica

Nicobar pigeon

Ducula mindorensis

Mindoro imperial pigeon


Amazona arausiaca

Red-necked parrot (otherwise known as Red-necked amazon)

Amazona barbadensis

Yellow-shouldered parrot (otherwise known as Yellow-shouldered amazon)

Amazona brasiliensis

Red-tailed parrot (otherwise known as Red-tailed amazon)

Amazona guildingii

St. Vincent parrot (otherwise known as St. Vincent amazon)

Amazona imperialis

Imperial parrot (otherwise known as Imperial amazon)

Amazona leucocephala

Cuban parrot (otherwise known as Cuban amazon)

Amazona pretrei

Red-spectacled parrot (otherwise known as Red-spectacled amazon)

Amazona rhodocorytha(otherwise known as Amazona dufresniana rhodocorytha)

Red-crowned parrot (otherwise known as Red-crowned amazon)

Amazona versicolor

St Lucia parrot (otherwise known as St Lucia amazon)

Amazona vinacea

Vinaceous parrot (otherwise known as Vinaceous amazon)

Amazona vittata

Puerto Rico parrot (otherwise known as Puerto Rican amazon)

Anodorhynchus glaucus

Glaucous macaw

Anodorhynchus leari

Lear’s macaw

Aratinga guaruba

Golden parakeet (otherwise known as Golden conure)

Cyanopsitta spixii

Spix’s macaw

Cyanoramphus auriceps forbesi

Forbes’ parakeet

Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae

Red-fronted parakeet

Cyclopsitta diophthalma coxeni (otherwise known as Opopsitta diophthalma coxeni)

Coxen’s fig parrot

Geopsittacus occidentalis

Australian night parrot

Neophema chrysogaster

Orange-bellied parakeet (otherwise known as Orange-bellied parrot)

Pezoporus wallicus

Ground parrot

Pionopsitta pileata

Red-capped parrot (otherwise known as Pileated parrot)

Psephotus chrysopterygius

Golden-shouldered parakeet (otherwise known as Golden-shouldered parrot or Hooded parakeet)

Psephotus pulcherrimus

Paradise parrot

Psittacula echo (otherwise known as Psittacula krameri echo)

Mauritius parakeet (otherwise known as Mauritius ring-necked parakeet)

Psittacus erithacus princeps

Fernando Po grey parrot

Pyrrhura cruentata

Blue-throated conure

Rhynchopsitta pachyrhyncha

Thick-billed parrot

Rhynchopsitta terrisi

Maroon-fronted parrot

Strigops habroptilus

Kakapo (otherwise known as Owl parrot)


Ramphodon dohrnii

Hook-billed hermit


Pharomachrus mocinno costaricensis

Costa Rican quetzal (otherwise known as Resplendent quetzal)

Pharomachrus mocinno mocinno

Magnificent quetzal (otherwise known as Resplendent quetzal)



Barn owls


Typical owls


Buceros bicornis (otherwise known as Buceros homrai

Great pied hornbill

Rhinoplax vigil

Helmeted hornbill


Campephilus imperialis

Imperial woodpecker

Dryocopus javensis richardsi

Tristram’s woodpecker (otherwise known as White-bellied black woodpecker)


Cotinga maculata

Banded cotinga

Xipholena atropurpurea

White-winged cotinga

Pitta kochi

Koch’s pitta

Atrichornis clamosa

Noisy scrub-bird

Leucopsar rothschildi

Rothschild’s mynah

Dasyornis brachypterus longirostris

Western bristlebird

Dasyornis broadbenti littoralis

Western rufous bristlebird

Picathartes gymnocephalus

White-necked rockfowl (otherwise known as Yellow-headed rockfowl or Guinea bear-headed rockfowl)

Picathartes oreas

Grey-necked rockfowl (otherwise known as Cameroon bare-headed rockfowl or Red-headed rockfowl)

Zosterops albogularis

White-breasted silver-eye

Meliphaga cassidix

Helmeted honeyeater

Spinus cucullatus (otherwise known as Carduelis cucullatus)

Red siskin