Common name | Scientific name |
Crow | Corvus corone |
Dove, Collared | Streptopelia decaocto |
Gull, Great Black-backed | Larus marinus |
Gull, Lesser Black-backed | Larus fuscus |
Gull, Herring | Larus argentatus |
Jackdaw | Corvus monedula |
Jay | Garrulus glandarius |
Magpie | Pica pica |
Pigeon, Feral | Columba livia |
Rook | Corvus frugilegus |
Sparrow, House | Passer domesticus |
Starling | Sturnus vulgaris |
Woodpigeon | Columba palumbus |
Note. The common name or names given in the first column of this Schedule are included by way of guidance only; in the event of any dispute or proceedings, the common name or names shall not be taken into account.