Sections 13, 22 and 24.
SCHEDULE 8E+W+S Plants which are Protected
Common name | Scientific name |
[F1Adder’s-tongue, Least] | [F1Ophioglossum lusitanicum] |
Alison, Small | Alyssum alyssoides |
[F2Anomodon, Long-leaved] | [F2Anomodon longifolius] |
[F2Beech-lichen, New Forest] | [F2Enterographa elaborata] |
[F3Blackwort] | [F3Southbya nigrella] |
[F2Bluebell (in respect of section 13(2) only)] | [F2Hyacinthoides non-scripta] |
[F2Bolete, Royal] | [F2Boletus regius] |
Broomrape, Bedstraw | Orobanche caryophyllacea |
Broomrape, Oxtongue | Orobanche loricata |
Broomrape, Thistle | Orobanche reticulata |
[F1Cabbage, Lundy] | [F1Rhynchosinapis wrightii] |
Calamint, Wood | Calamintha sylvatica |
[F3Caloplaca, Snow] | [F3Caloplaca nivalis] |
[F3Catapyrenium, Tree] | [F3Catapyrenium psoromoides] |
Catchfly, Alpine | Lychnis alpina |
[F3Catillaria, Laurer’s] | [F3Catellaria laurei] |
[F3Centaury, Slender] | [F3Centaurium tenuiflorum] |
Cinquefoil, Rock | Potentilla rupestris |
[F2Cladonia, Convoluted] | [F2Cladonia convoluta] |
[F3Cladonia, Upright Mountain] | [F3Cladonia stricta] |
[F3Clary, Meadow] | [F3Salvia pratensis] |
Club-rush, Triangular | Scirpus triquetrus |
[F1Colt’s-foot, Purple] | [F1Homogyne alpina] |
Cotoneaster, Wild | Cotoneaster integerrimus |
[F1Cottongrass, Slender] | [F1Eriophorum gracile] |
Cow-wheat, Field | Melampyrum arvense |
[F1Crocus, Sand] | [F1Romulea columnae] |
[F3Crystalwort, Lizard] | [F3Riccia bifurca] |
[F3Cudweed, Broad-leaved] | [F3Filago pryamidata] |
Cudweed, Jersey | Gnaphalium luteoalbum |
[F1Cudweed, Red-tipped] | [F1Filago lutescens] |
[F2Cut-grass] | [F2Leersia oryzoides] |
[F2Deptford Pink (in respect of England and Wales only)] | [F2Dianthus armeria] |
Diapensia | Diapensia lapponica |
[F4[F3Dock, Shore] [F5(in respect of section 13(2) only)]] | [F4[F3Rumex rupestris]] |
[F3Earwort, Marsh] | [F3Jamesoniella undulifolia] |
Eryngo, Field | Eryngium campestre |
[F2Feather-moss, Polar] | [F2Hygrohypnum polare] |
Fern, Dickie’s Bladder | Cystopteris dickieana |
[F4Fern, Killarney [F6(in respect of section 13(2) only)]] | [F4Trichomanes speciosum] |
[F3Flapwort, Norfolk] | [F3Leiocolea rutheana] |
[F1Fleabane, Alpine] | [F1Erigeron borealis] |
[F1Fleabane, Small] | [F1Pulicaria vulgaris] |
[F3Frostwort, Pointed] | [F3Gymnomitrion apiculatum] |
[F2Fungus, Hedgehog] | [F2Hericium erinaceum] |
Galingale, Brown | Cyperus fuscus |
Gentian, Alpine | Gentiana nivalis |
[F3Gentian, Dune] | [F3Gentianella uliginosa] |
[F4[F3Gentian, Early] [F7(in respect of section 13(2) only)]] | [F4[F3 Gentianella anglica]] |
[F1Gentian, Fringed] | [F1Gentianella ciliata] |
Gentian, Spring | Gentiana verna |
[F1Germander, Cut-leaved] | [F1Teucrium botrys] |
Germander, Water | Teucrium scordium |
Gladiolus, Wild | Gladiolus illyricus |
[F2Goblin Lights] | [F2Catolechia wahlenbergii] |
[F1Goosefoot, Stinking] | [F1Chenopodium vulvaria] |
[F1Grass-poly] | [F1Lythrum hyssopifolia] |
[F3Grimmia, Blunt-leaved] | [F3Grimmia unicolor] |
[F3Gyalecta, Elm] | [F3Gyalecta ulmi] |
Hare’s-ear, Sickle-leaved | Bupleurum falcatum |
Hare’s-ear, Small | Bupleurum baldense |
[F1Hawk’s-beard, Stinking] | [F1Crepis foetida] |
[F3Hawkweed, Northroe] | [F3Hieracium northroense] |
[F3Hawkweed, Shetland] | [F3Hieracium zetlandicum] |
[F3Hawkweed, Weak-leaved] | [F3Hieracium attenuatifolium] |
Heath, Blue | Phyllodoce caerulea |
Helleborine, Red | Cephalanthera rubra |
[F8[F1Helleborine, Young’s]] | [F8[F1Epipactis youngiana]] |
[F1Horsetail, Branched] | [F1Equisetum ramosissimum] |
[F1Hound’s-tongue, Green] | [F1Cynoglossum germanicum] |
Knawel, Perennial | Scleranthus perennis |
Knotgrass, Sea | Polygonum maritimum |
[F4Lady’s-slipper [F9(in respect of section 13(2) only)]] | [F4Cypripedium calceolus] |
F10. . . | F10. . . |
F10. . . | F10. . . |
[F8[F3Lecanactis, Churchyard]] | [F8[F3Lecanactis hemisphaerica]] |
[F3Lecanora, Tarn] | [F3Lecanora archariana] |
[F3Lecidea, Copper] | [F3Lecidea inops] |
Leek, Round-headed | Allium sphaerocephalon |
Lettuce, Least | Lactuca saligna |
[F3Lichen, Arctic Kidney] | [F3Nephroma arcticum] |
[F3Lichen, Ciliate Strap] | [F3Heterodermia leucomelos] |
[F3Lichen, Coralloid Rosette] | [F3Heterodermia propagulifera] |
[F3Lichen, Ear-lobed Dog] | [F3Peltigera lepidophora] |
[F3Lichen, Forked Hair] | [F3Bryoria furcellata] |
[F3Lichen, Golden Hair] | [F3Teloschistes flavicans] |
[F3Lichen, Orange Fruited Elm] | [F3Caloplaca luteoalba] |
[F3Lichen, River Jelly] | [F3Collema dichotomum] |
[F3Lichen, Scaly Breck] | [F3Squamarina lentigera] |
[F3Lichen, Stary Breck] | [F3Buellia asterella] |
Lily, Snowdon | Lloydia serotina |
[F3Liverwort] | [F3Petallophyllum ralfsi] |
[F3Liverwort, Lindenberg’s Leafy] | [F3Adelanthus lindenbergianus] |
Marsh-mallow, Rough | Althaea hirsuta |
[F4[F1Marshwort, Creeping] [F11(in respect of section 13(2) only)]] | [F4[F1Apium repens]] |
[F1Milk-parsley, Cambridge] | [F1Selinum carvifolia] |
[F3Moss] | [F3Drepanocladius vernicosus] |
[F3Moss, Alpine Copper] | [F3Mielichoferia mielichoferi] |
[F3Moss, Baltic Bog] | [F3Sphagnum balticum] |
[F3Moss, Blue Dew] | [F3Saelania glaucescens] |
[F3Moss, Blunt-leaved Bristle] | [F3Orthotrichum obtusifolium] |
[F3Moss, Bright Green Cave | Cyclodictyon laetevirens] |
[F3Moss, Cordate Beard] | [F3Barbula cordata] |
[F3Moss, Cornish Path] | [F3Ditrichum cornubicum] |
[F3Moss, Derbyshire Feather] | [F3Thamnobryum angustifolium] |
[F8[F3Moss, Dune Thread]] | [F8[F3Bryum mamillatum]] |
[F2Moss, Flamingo] | [F2Desmatodon cernuus] |
[F3Moss, Glaucous Beard] | [F3Barbula glauca] |
[F3Moss, Green Shield] | [F3Buxbaumia viridis] |
[F3Moss, Hair Silk] | [F3Plagiothecium piliferum] |
[F3Moss, Knothole] | [F3Zygodon forsteri] |
[F3Moss Large Yellow Feather] | [F3Scorpidium turgescens] |
[F3Moss, Millimetre] | [F3Micromitrium tenerum] |
[F3Moss, Multifruited River] | [F3Cryphaea lamyana] |
[F3Moss, Nowell’s Limestone] | [F3Zygodon gracilis] |
[F3Moss, Rigid Apple] | [F3Bartramia stricta] |
[F3Moss, Round-leaved Feather] | [F3Rhynocostegium rotundifolium] |
[F3Moss, Schleicher’s Thread] | [F3Bryum schleicheri] |
[F3Moss, Triangular Pygmy] | { F3Acaulon triquetrum |
[F3Moss, Vaucher’s Feather] | [F3Hypnum vaucheri] |
[F3Mudwort, Welsh] | [F3Limosella australis] |
[F1Naiad, Holly-leaved] | [F1Najas marina] |
[F4[F3Naiad, Slender] [F12(in respect of section 13(2) only)]] | [F4[F3Najas flexilis]] |
[F3Orache, Stalked] | [F3Halimione pedunculata] |
Orchid, Early Spider | Ophryas sphegodes |
[F4Orchid, Fen [F13 (in respect of section 13(2) only)]] | [F4Liparis loeselii] |
Orchid, Ghost | Epipogium aphyllum |
[F3Orchid, Lapland Marsh] | [F3Dactylorhiza lapponica] |
Orchid, Late Spider | Ophrys fuciflora |
Orchid, Lizard | Himantoglossum hircinum |
Orchid, Military | Orchis militaris |
Orchid, Monkey | Orchis simia |
[F3Pannaria, Caledonia] | [F3Pannaria ignobilis] |
[F3Parmelia, New Forest] | [F3Parmelia minarum] |
[F3Parmentaria, Oil Stain] | [F3Parmentaria chilensis] |
Pear, Plymouth | Pyrus cordata |
[F3Penny-cress, Perfoliate] | [F3Thlaspi perfoliatum] |
[F1Pennyroyal] | [F1Mentha pulegium] |
[F3Pertusaria, Alpine Moss] | [F3Pertusaria bryontha] |
[F3Physcia, Southern Grey] | [F3Physcia tribacioides] |
[F1Pigmyweed] | [F1Crassula aquatica] |
[F3Pine, Ground] | [F3Ajuga chamaepitys] |
Pink, Cheddar | Dianthus gratianopolitanus |
Pink, Childling | Petroraghia nanteuilii |
[F4[F3Plantain, Floating Water] [F14(in respect of section 13(2) only)]] | [F4[F3Luronium natans]] |
[F2Polypore, Oak] | [F2Buglossoporus pulvinus] |
[F3Pseudocyphellaria, Ragged] | [F3Pseudocyphellaria lacerata] |
[F3Psora, Rusty Alpine] | [F3Psora rubiformis] |
[F2Puffball, Sandy Stilt] | [F2Battarraea phalloides] |
[F1Ragwort, Fen] | [F1Senecio paludosus] |
[F1Ramping-fumitory, Martin’s] | [F1Fumaria martinii] |
[F3Rampion, Spiked] | [F3Phyteuma spicatum] |
[F1Restharrow, Small] | [F1Ononis reclinata] |
[F1Rock-cress, Alpine] | [F1Arabis alpina] |
[F1Rock-cress, Bristol] | [F1Arabis stricta] |
[F15Rock Nail] | [F15Calicium corynellum] |
[F3Rustworth, Western] | [F3Marsupella profunda] |
Sandwort, Norwegian | Arenaria norvegica |
Sandwort, Teesdale | Minuartia stricta |
Saxifrage, Drooping | Saxifraga cernua |
[F4[F3Saxifrage, Marsh] [F16(in respect of section 13(2) only)]] | [F4[F3Saxifrage hirulus]] |
Saxifrage, Tufted | Saxifraga cespitosa |
[F3Solenopsora, Serpentine] | [F3Solenopsora liparina] |
Solomon’s-seal, Whorled | Polygonatum verticillatum |
Sow-thistle, Alpine | Cicerbita alpina |
Spearwort, Adder’s-tongue | Ranunculus ophioglossifolius |
[F1Speedwell, Fingered] | [F1Veronica triphyllos] |
Speedwell, Spiked | Veronica spicata |
F10. . . | F10. . . |
[F2Spike-rush, Dwarf] | [F2Eleocharis parvula] |
[F2Stack Fleawort, South] | [F2Tephroseris integrifolia (ssp maritima)] |
[F1Star-of-Bethlehem, Early] | [F1Gagea bohemica] |
Starfruit | Damasonium alisma |
[F3Stonewort, Bearded] | [F3Chara canescens] |
[F1Stonewort, Foxtail] | [F1Lamprothamnium papulosum] |
[F1Strapwort] | [F1Corrigiola litoralis] |
[F2Sulphur-tresses, Alpine] | [F2Alectoria ochroleuca] |
[F8[F2Threadmoss, Long-leaved]] | [F8[F2Bryum neodamense]] |
[F15Tree Lungwort (in respect of section 13(2) only)] | [F15Lobaria pulmonaria] |
[F3Turpswort] | [F3Geocalyx graveolens] |
Violet, Fen | Viola persicifolia |
[F1Viper’s-grass] | [F1Scorzonera humilis] |
Water-plantain, Ribbon leaved | Alisma gramineum |
Wood-sedge, Starved | Carex depauperata |
Woodsia, Alpine | Woodsia alpina |
Woodsia, Oblong | Woodsia ilvensis |
Wormwood, Field | Artemisia campestris |
Woundwort, Downy | Stachys germanica |
Woundwort, Limestone | Stachys alpina |
Yellow-rattle, Greater | Rhinanthus serotinus |
Textual Amendments
F1Entry in Sch. 8 added by S.I. 1988/288, art. 3
F2 Entries in Sch. 8 added (16.4.1998) by S.I. 1998/878, art. 3
F3Entries in Sch. 8 added (29.10.1992) by S.I. 1992/2350, art. 3(1)
F4 Sch. 8: entries removed (S.) (15.2.2007) by The Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) Amendment (Scotland) Regulations 2007 (S.S.I. 2007/80), reg. 29
F5Sch. 8: words in entry inserted (E.W.) (21.8.2007) by The Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) (Amendment) Regulations 2007 (S.I. 2007/1843), reg. 7(8)(a)
F6Sch. 8: words in entry inserted (E.W.) (21.8.2007) by The Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) (Amendment) Regulations 2007 (S.I. 2007/1843), reg. 7(8)(b)
F7Sch. 8: words in entry inserted (E.W.) (21.8.2007) by The Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) (Amendment) Regulations 2007 (S.I. 2007/1843), reg. 7(8)(c)
F8 Entries in Sch. 8 omitted (E.W.) (1.10.2011) by virtue of The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (Variation of Schedules 5 and 8) (England and Wales) Order 2011 (S.I. 2011/2015), arts. 1(b), 3(3), Sch. 4
F9Sch. 8: words in entry inserted (E.W.) (21.8.2007) by The Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) (Amendment) Regulations 2007 (S.I. 2007/1843), reg. 7(8)(d)
F10Entries in Sch. 8 removed (29.10.1992) by S.I. 1992/2350, art. 3(2)
F11Sch. 8: words in entry inserted (E.W.) (21.8.2007) by The Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) (Amendment) Regulations 2007 (S.I. 2007/1843), reg. 7(8)(e)
F12Sch. 8: words in entry inserted (E.W.) (21.8.2007) by The Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) (Amendment) Regulations 2007 (S.I. 2007/1843), reg. 7(8)(f)
F13Sch. 8: words in entry inserted (E.W.) (21.8.2007) by The Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) (Amendment) Regulations 2007 (S.I. 2007/1843), reg. 7(8)(g)
F14Sch. 8: words in entry inserted (E.W.) (21.8.2007) by The Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) (Amendment) Regulations 2007 (S.I. 2007/1843), reg. 7(8)(h)
F15 Entries in Sch. 8 inserted (E.W.) (1.10.2011) by The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (Variation of Schedules 5 and 8) (England and Wales) Order 2011 (S.I. 2011/2015), arts. 1(b), 3(2) ,Sch. 3
F16Sch. 8: words in entry inserted (E.W.) (21.8.2007) by The Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) (Amendment) Regulations 2007 (S.I. 2007/1843), reg. 7(8)(i)
Note. The common name or names given in the first column of this Schedule are included by way of guidance only; in the event of any dispute or proceedings, the common name or names shall not be taken into account.