SCHEDULE 8Plants which are Protected
Common name | Scientific name |
Alison, Small | Alyssum alyssoides |
Broomrape, Bedstraw | Orobanche caryophyllacea |
Broomrape, Oxtongue | Orobanche loricata |
Broomrape, Thistle | Orobanche reticulata |
Calamint, Wood | Calamintha sylvatica |
Catchfly, Alpine | Lychnis alpina |
Cinquefoil, Rock | Potentilla rupestris |
Club-rush, Triangular | Scirpus triquetrus |
Cotoneaster, Wild | Cotoneaster integerrimus |
Cow-wheat, Field | Melampyrum arvense |
Cudweed, Jersey | Gnaphalium luteoalbum |
Diapensia | Diapensia lapponica |
Eryngo, Field | Eryngium campestre |
Fern, Dickie's Bladder | Cystopteris dickieana |
Fern, Killarney | Trichomanes speciosum |
Galingale, Brown | Cyperus fuscus |
Gentian, Alpine | Gentiana nivalis |
Gentian, Spring | Gentiana verna |
Germander, Water | Teucrium scordium |
Gladiolus, Wild | Gladiolus illyricus |
Hare's-ear, Sickle-leaved | Bupleurum falcatum |
Hare's-ear, Small | Bupleurum baldense |
Heath, Blue | Phyllodoce caerulea |
Helleborine, Red | Cephalanthera rubra |
Knawel, Perennial | Scleranthus perennis |
Knotgrass, Sea | Polygonum maritimum |
Lady's-slipper | Cypripedium calceolus |
Lavender, Sea | Limonium paradoxum |
Limonium recurvum | |
Leek, Round-headed | Allium sphaerocephalon |
Lettuce, Least | Lactuca saligna |
Lily, Snowdon | Lloydia serotina |
Marsh-mallow, Rough | Althaea hirsuta |
Orchid, Early Spider | Ophrys sphegodes |
Orchid, Fen | Liparis loeselii |
Orchid, Ghost | Epipogium aphyllum |
Orchid, Late Spider | Ophrys fuciflora |
Orchid, Lizard | Himantoglossum hircinum |
Orchid, Military | Orchis militaris |
Orchid, Monkey | Orchis simia |
Pear, Plymouth | Pyrus cordata |
Pink, Cheddar | Dianthus gratianopolitanus |
Pink, Childling | Petroraghia nanteuilii |
Sandwort, Norwegian | Arenaria norvegica |
Sandwort, Teesdale | Minuartia stricta |
Saxifrage, Drooping | Saxifraga cernua |
Saxifrage, Tufted | Saxifraga cespitosa |
Solomon's-seal, Whorled | Polygonatum verticillatum |
Sow-thistle, Alpine | Cicerbita alpina |
Spearwort, Adder's-tongue | Ranunculus ophioglossifolius |
Speedwell, Spiked | Veronica spicata |
Spurge, Purple | Euphorbia peplis |
Starfruit | Damasonium alisma |
Violet, Fen | Viola persicifolia |
Water-plantain, Ribbon leaved | Alisma gramineum |
Wood-sedge, Starved | Carex depauperata |
Woodsia, Alpine | Woodsia alpina |
Woodsia, Oblong | Woodsia ilvensis |
Wormwood, Field | Artemisia campestris |
Woundwort, Downy | Stachys germanica |
Woundwort, Limestone | Stachys alpina |
Yellow-rattle, Greater | Rhinanthus serotinus |
NOTE. The common name or names given in the first column of this Schedule are included by way of guidance only ; in the event of any dispute or proceedings, the common name or names shall not be taken into account.