Part I Implementation of the Conventions

Main implementing provisions

3 Interpretation of the F1Brussels Conventions.


Any question as to the meaning or effect of any provision of the F1Brussels Conventions shall, if not referred to the European Court in accordance with the 1971 Protocol, be determined in accordance with the principles laid down by and any relevant decision of the European Court.


Judicial notice shall be taken of any decision of, or expression of opinion by, the European Court on any such question.


Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1), the following reports (which are reproduced in the Official Journal of the Communities), namely—


the M1reports by Mr. P. Jenard on the 1968 Convention and the 1971 Protocol; and


the M2report by Professor Peter Schlosser on the Accession Convention F2; and


the report by Professor Demetrios I. Evrigenis and Professor K. D. Kerameus on the 1982 Accession ConventionF3; and


the report by Mr. Martinho de Almeida Cruz, Mr. Manuel Desantes Real and Mr. P. Jenard on the 1989 Accession Convention,

may be considered in ascertaining the meaning or effect of any provision of the F1Brussels Conventions and shall be given such weight as is appropriate in the circumstances.