Matrimonial Homes Act 1983

6Release of rights of occupation and postponement of priority of charge

(1)A spouse entitled to rights of occupation may by a release in writing release those rights or release them as respects part only of the dwelling house affected by them.

(2)Where a contract is made for the sale of an estate or interest in a dwelling house, or for the grant of a lease or underlease of a dwelling house, being (in either case) a dwelling house affected by a charge registered under section 2 of the [1972 c. 61.] Land Charges Act 1972 or section 2(8) above, then, without prejudice to subsection (1) above, the rights of occupation constituting the charge shall be deemed to have been released on the happening of whichever of the following events first occurs—

(a)the delivery to the purchaser or lessee, as the case may be, or his solicitor on completion of the contract of an application by the spouse entitled to the charge for the cancellation of the registration of the charge, or

(b)the lodging of such an application at Her Majesty's Land Registry.

(3)A spouse entitled by virtue of section 2 above to a charge on an estate or interest may agree in writing that any other charge on, or interest in, that estate or interest shall rank in priority to the charge to which that spouse is so entitled.