35The following section shall be inserted after section 58 of that Act—
(1)Every local authority and every approved adoption society shall transmit to the Secretary of State, at such times and in such form as he may direct, such particulars as he may require with respect—
(a)to their performance of all or any of their functions under the enactments mentioned in subsection (2) below; and
(b)to the children and other persons in relation to whom they have exercised those functions.
(2)The enactments referred to in subsection (1) above are—
(a)the [1958 c. 5 (7 Eliz. 2).] Adoption Act 1958 ;
(b)Part I of the [1975 c. 72.] Children Act 1975 ; and
(c)this Act.
(3)The clerk of each magistrates' court shall transmit to the Secretary of State, at such times and in such form as he may direct, such particulars as he may require with respect to the proceedings of the court under the enactments mentioned in subsection (2) above.
(4)The Secretary of State shall publish from time to time abstracts of the particulars transmitted to him under subsections (1) and (3) above.”.