SCHEDULE 1 The General Medical Council and its Committees, and the Branch Councils

Part II Incidental Powers and Duties and Proceedings of the General Medical Council

Financial provisions


There shall be paid to the members of the General Council such remuneration and such travelling, subsistence or other expenses as the Council may allow, including payments for duties undertaken as trustees of the Council.



Any fees or other sums payable by virtue of this Act in connection with registration under this Act shall be paid to the General Council, and any expenses of the Council shall be defrayed out of the sums received by the Council either on account of those fees and sums, or from the sale of registers, or otherwise.


The General Council shall keep proper accounts of all sums received or paid by them, and proper records in relation to those accounts (including records of the evidence furnished by branch councils under paragraph 28 below), and their accounts for each financial year of the Council shall be audited by auditors appointed by the Council.


No person shall be appointed auditor under this paragraph unless he is eligible for appointment as a F2statutory auditor under Part 42 of the Companies Act 2006.


As soon as may be after the accounts of the General Council have been audited, the Council shall cause them to be published and shall send a copy of them to the Privy Council together with a copy of any report of the auditors on them, and the Privy Council shall lay a copy of the accounts and of any report of the auditors on the accounts before each House of Parliament.