Section 15(2).

SCHEDULE 2European Dental Qualifications

PART IAppropriate European Diplomas

1(1)In this Part of this Schedule—

(2)For the purposes of this Part of this Schedule a member State is to be regarded as having implemented die Dental Training Directive on the date notified to the Commission as that on which it did so.

2Subject to paragraphs 3 and 4 below, the following diplomas are appropriate European diplomas for the purposes of section 15(1)(b) of this Act, namely—

(a)any scheduled European diploma in dentistry granted in a member State on or after the implementation date which is not evidence of training commenced by the holder before that date; and

(b)any diploma in dentistry granted in a member State before the implementation date or on or after that date where training of which that diploma is evidence was commenced by the holder before that date.

3A scheduled European diploma granted in a member State before the implementation date or on or after that date where training of which the diploma is evidence was commenced by the holder before that date is not an appropriate European diploma for the said purposes unless the holder either—

(a)satisfies the registrar (by means of a certificate of the competent authority of that State or otherwise) that the diploma guarantees that his training satisfies the requirements laid down by the Dental Training Directive; or

(b)produces to the registrar a certificate of the competent authority of any member State that he has lawfully practised dentistry for at least three consecutive years during the five years preceding the date of the certificate.

4A diploma granted in a Member State before the implementation date or on or after that date where training of which that diploma is evidence was commenced by the holder before that date (and not being, in either case, a scheduled European diploma) is not an appropriate European diploma for the said purposes unless the holder produces to the registrar such a certificate as is mentioned in paragraph 3(b) above.

PART IIScheduled European Diplomas


" Diplôme légal de licencié en science dentaire/wettelijk diploma van licentiaat in de tandheelkunde " (the official diploma of graduate in dental science), awarded by the university faculties of medicine, or by the Central Board or by the State boards of university examiners.


" Bevis for tandlaegeeksamen (kandidateksamen) " (official diploma certifying that the holder has passed the examination in dentistry), issued by schools of dentistry together with the document issued by the ' Sundhedsstyrelsen' (State Board of Health) certifying that he has worked as an assistant for the required length of time.


1." Diplôme d'État de chirurgien-dentiste" (State diploma of dental surgeon), awarded until 1973 by the university faculties of medicine or the university joint faculties of medicine and pharmacy.

2."Diplôme d'État de docteur en chirurgie dentaire" (State diploma of doctor of dental surgery), awarded by the universities.