Part I Constitution and Administration

F1District judges , F1assistant district judges and F1deputy district judges


6F2District judges. C1


Subject ot the provisions of this section, there shall be a F2district judge for each district, who shall be appointed by the Lord Chancellor and paid such salary as the Lord Chancellor may, with the concurrence of the Treasury, direct.


The Lord Chancellor may, if he thinks fit, appoint a person to be F2district judge for two or more districts.


The Lord Chancellor may, if he thinks fit, appoint two or more persons to execute jointly the office of F2district judge for a district and may, in any case where joint F2district judges are appointed, give directions with respect to the division between them of the duties of the office.


The Lord Chancellor may, as he thinks fit, on the death, resignation or removal of a joint F2district judge , either appoint another person to be joint F2district judge in his place or give directions that the continuing F2district judge shall act as sole F2district judge or, as the case may be, that the continuing F2district judges shall execute jointly the office of F2district judge.


The F2district judgefor any district shall be capable of acting in any other district for the F2district judgeof that other district.