Part V Admission to and Detention in Hospital and Guardianship

Care and treatment of patients: hospital

27 Leave of absence from hospital.


The responsible medical officer may grant to any patient who is for the time being liable to be detained in a hospital under this Part of this Act leave to be absent from the hospital.


Leave of absence may be granted to a patient under this section either on specified occasions or for any specified period of not more than 6 months; and where leave is so granted for a specified period it may F1, subject to subsection (2A) below, be extended for further such periods as aforesaid.


Subject to subsections (2B) and (2C) below, the total period of leave of absence for specified consecutive periods under this section shall not exceed 12 months.


If, on the date of expiry of leave of absence granted to a patient under this section, a community care application has been made in respect of him but has not been determined, the leave of absence shall continue until the community care order comes into force or, as the case may be, the application is refused by the sheriff.


If, on the date of expiry of leave of absence granted to a patient under this section, a community care order has been made in respect of him but has not come into force, the leave of absence shall continue until the order comes into force.


Where it appears to the responsible medical officer that it is necessary so to do in the interests of the patient or for the protection of other persons, he may, upon granting leave of absence under this section, direct that the patient remain in custody during his absence; and where leave of absence is so granted the patient may be kept in the custody of any officer on the staff of the hospital, or of any other person authorised in writing by the managers of the hospital, or, if the patient is required in accordance with conditions imposed on the grant of leave of absence to reside in another hospital, of any officer on the staff of that other hospital.


Where leave of absence is granted to a patient under this section or where a period of leave is extended by further leave and the leave or the extension is for a period of more than 28 days, it shall be the duty of the responsible medical officer to inform the Mental Welfare Commission within 14 days of the granting of leave or of the extension, as the case may be, of the address at which the patient is residing and, on the return of the patient, to notify the Commission thereof within 14 days.


In any case where a patient is absent from a hospital in pursuance of leave of absence granted under this section, and it appears to the responsible medical officer that it is necessary so to do in the interests of the health or safety of the patient or for the protection of other persons, that officer may, subject to subsection (6) of this section, by notice in writing given to the patient or to the person for the time being in charge of the patient, revoke the leave of absence and recall the patient to the hospital.


A patient to whom leave of absence is granted under this section shall not be recalled under subsection (5) of this section after he has ceased to be liable to be detained under this Part of this Act.