Trade Union Act 1984 (repealed 16.10.1992)Part I Secret Ballots for Trade Union Elections1 Duty of trade union to hold elections for certain positions. 2 Requirements to be satisfied in relation to elections.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Register of members’ names and addresses.5 Remedy for failure to comply with Part I. 6 Proceedings before Certification Officer: supplementary provisions. 7 Exemption for certain trade unions.8 Exemption for certain persons nearing retirement.9 Interpretation of Part I and transitional provision.Part II Secret Ballots before Industrial Action10 Industrial action authorised or endorsed by trade union without support of a ballot. 11 Requirements to be satisfied in relation to ballots. Part III Political Funds and Objects Resolutions under 1913 Act12 Political fund resolutions: periodical ballots.13 Ballots: supplementary provisions.14 Assets and liabilities of political fund.15 Position where resolution has ceased to have effect.16 Remedy for failure to comply with s. 15(3)(a). Political objects17 Political objects. Union dues18 Collection of union dues by employers. Interpretation19 Interpretation of Part III.Part IV Supplementary20 Amendment of ss. 1 and 2 of the Employment Act 1980.21 Expenses.22 Short title, commencement and extent.Trade Union Act 1984 F1(repealed 16.10.1992)1984 CHAPTER 49