
PART IVPolice, Fire Services, Civil Defence and Transport

Members of joint authorities

34Chairman, vice-chairman and clerk

(1)A joint authority shall in each year appoint a chairman and vice-chairman from among its members.

(2)The appointments under subsection (1) above shall be the first business transacted at the annual meeting of the authority.

(3)Subject to any standing orders made by the authority, anything authorised or required to be done by or in relation to the chairman may be done by or in relation to the vice-chairman.

(4)The authority may pay to the chairman and vice-chairman for the purpose of enabling him to meet the expenses of his office such allowance as the authority thinks reasonable.

(5)In the case of an equality of votes in respect of the appointment of a chairman the person presiding at the meeting shall give a casting vote in addition to any other vote he may have.

(6)On a casual vacancy occurring in the office of chairman, an appointment to fill the vacancy shall be made at the next ordinary meeting of the authority held after the date on which the vacancy occurs, or if that meeting is held within fourteen days after that date then not later than the next following meeting; and any such meeting may be convened by the proper officer of the authority.

(7)For the purposes of subsection (6) above the vacancy shall be deemed to have occurred—

(a)if the chairman has ceased to be a member of the authority by reason of section 31 above, at the time specified in subsection (2) (b) of that section;

(b)if the chairman has ceased to be a member by reason of section 32(1) above, when notice thereof is given to the authority under that provision; and

(c)in any other case, on the date of the declaration or of receipt of the notice of resignation mentioned in section 32(2) above.

(8)Each joint authority shall appoint a person to be the clerk to the authority and in making the appointment the authority shall have regard to the desirability of that person being the chief officer of a constituent council of the authority.