accounting reference date and accounting reference period | section 224 |
accounting standards and applicable accounting standards | section 256 |
[ “address” | section 2 62(1)] |
annual accounts (generally) | section 262(1) |
(includes notes to the accounts) | section 261(2) |
annual report | section 262(1) |
associated undertaking (in Schedule 4A) | paragraph 20 of that Schedule |
[auditable part (of a directors’ remuneration report) | section 235(5)] |
balance sheet (includes notes) | section 261(2) |
balance sheet date | section 262(1) |
. . . | . . . |
banking group | [section 255A(4)] |
. . . | . . . |
capitalisation (in relation to work or costs) | section 262(1) |
credit institution | section 262(1) |
current assets | section 262(1) |
. . .” | . . . |
fellow subsidiary undertaking | section 259(4) |
[financial fixed assets (in Schedule 9)] | [paragraph 82 of Part I of that Schedule] |
financial year | section 223 |
fixed assets | section 262(1) |
[ “general business” (in Schedule 9A) | paragraph 81 of Part I of that Schedule] |
group | section 262(1) |
group undertaking | section 259(5) |
[historical cost accounting rules] | |
[- in Schedule 4] | [paragraph 29 of that Schedule] |
[—in Schedule 8 | paragraph 29 of that Schedule] |
[-in Schedule 9] | [paragraph 39 of Part I of that Schedule] |
[—in Schedule 9A | paragraph 20(1) of Part I of that Schedule] |
included in the consolidation and related expressions | section 262(1) |
individual accounts | section 262(1) |
insurance group | [section 255A(5)] |
land of freehold tenure and land of leasehold tenure (in relation to Scotland)— in Schedule 4 | paragraph 93 of that Schedule |
[-in Schedule 9] | [paragraph 86 of Part I of that Schedule] |
[—inSchedule 9A | paragraph 85 of Part I of that Schedule] |
lease, long lease and short lease— in Schedule 4 | paragraph 83 of that Schedule |
[- in Schedule 9] | [paragraph 82 of Part I of that Schedule] |
[—inSchedule 9A | paragraph 81 of Part I of that Schedule] |
listed investment—in Schedule 4 | paragraph 84 of that Schedule |
[—in Schedule 8 | paragraph 54 of that Schedule] |
[—in Schedule 9A | paragraph 81 of Part I of that Schedule] |
[listed security (in Schedule 9)] | [paragraph 82 of Part I of that Schedule] |
[ “long term business” (in Schedule 9A) | paragraph 81 of Part I of that Schedule] |
[ “long term fund” (in Schedule 9A) | paragraph 81 of Part I of that Schedule] |
notes to the accounts | section 261(1) |
parent undertaking (and parent company) | section 258 and Schedule 10A |
participating interest | section 260 |
[pension costs—in Schedule 4 | paragraph 94(2) of that Schedule] |
[—in Schedule 8 | paragraph 59(2) of that Schedule] |
[—in Schedule 9 | paragraph 87(b) of Part I of that Schedule] |
[—in Schedule 9A | paragraph 86(b) of Part I of that Schedule] |
period allowed for laying and delivering accounts and reports | section 244 |
[ “policy holder” (in Schedule 9A) | paragraph 81 of Part I of that Schedule] |
profit and loss account(includes notes) | section 261(2) |
(in relation to a company not trading for profit) | section 262(2) |
[ “provision for unexpired risks” (in Schedule 9A) | paragraph 81 of Part I of that Schedule] |
provision—in Schedule 4 | paragraphs 88 and 89 of that Schedule |
[“—in Schedule 8 | paragraphs 57 and 58 of that Schedule] |
[- in Schedule 9] | [paragraph 85 of Part I of that Schedule] |
[—in Schedule 9A | paragraph 84 of Part I of that Schedule] |
purchase price | section 262(1) |
qualified | section 262(1) |
[quoted company | section 262(1)] |
realised losses and realised profits | section 262(3) |
[repayable on demand (in Schedule 9)] | [paragraph 82 of Part I of that Schedule] |
[reporting accountant | section 249C(1)] |
reserve (in [Schedule 9A]) | paragraph 32 of that Schedule |
[saleand option to resell transaction (in Schedule 9)] | [paragraph 82 of Part I of that Schedule] |
[sale and repurchase transaction (in Schedule 9)] | [paragraph 82 of Part I of that Schedule] |
shares | section 259(2) |
[social security costs] | |
[-in Schedule 4] | [paragraph 94(1) and (3) of that Schedule] |
[—in Schedule 8 | paragraph 59(1) and (3) of that Schedule] |
[- in Schedule 9] | [paragraph 87(a) and (c) of Part I of that Schedule] |
[—in Schedule 9A | paragraph 86(a) and (c) of Part I of that Schedule] |
special provisions for banking and insurance companies and groups | sections 255 and 255A |
subsidiary undertaking | section 258 and Schedule 10A |
[ “the 1982 Act” (in Schedule 9A) | paragraph 81 of Part I of that Schedule] |
true and fair view | section 262(1) |
turnover | section 262(1) |
undertaking and related expressions | section 259(1) to (3)] |