Award of sequestration and appointment and resignation of interim trustee

15 Further provisions relating to award of sequestration.


Where sequestration has been awarded by the Court of Session, it shall remit the sequestration to such sheriff as in all the circumstances of the case it considers appropriate.


The Court of Session may at any time after sequestration has been awarded, on application being made to it, transfer the sequestration from the sheriff before whom it is depending or to whom it has been remitted to any other sheriff.


Where the court makes an order refusing to award sequestration, the petitioner or a creditor concurring in the petition for sequestration may appeal against the order within 14 days of the date of making of the order.


Without prejudice to any right to bring an action of reduction of an award of sequestration, such an award shall not be subject to review otherwise than by recall under sections 16 and 17 of this Act.


Where a petition for sequestration is presented by a creditor or a trustee acting under a trust deed, the clerk of the court shall—


on the final determination or abandonment of any appeal under subsection (3) above in relation to the petition, or if there is no such appeal on the expiry of the 14 days mentioned in that subsection, send a certified copy of an order refusing to award sequestration to the keeper of the register of inhibitions and adjudications for recording in that register;


forthwith send a copy of an order awarding or refusing to award sequestration to the Accountant in Bankruptcy.


The interim trustee shall, as soon as an award of sequestration has been granted, publish in the Edinburgh Gazette a notice—


stating that sequestration of the debtor’s estate has been awarded;


inviting the submission of claims to him; and


giving such other information as may be prescribed.


Where sequestration has been awarded, the process of sequestration shall not fall asleep.


Where a debtor learns, whether before or after the date of sequestration, that he may derive benefit from another estate, he shall as soon as practicable after that date inform—


the permanent trustee or, if the permanent trustee has not yet been elected or appointed, the interim trustee of that fact; and


the person who is administering that other estate of the sequestration.


If the debtor fails to comply with subsection (8) above, he shall be guilty of an offence and liable, on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding level 5 on the standard scale.