SCHEDULE 13 Further Provisions Relating to Control Orders under Part XI

Part I Management Schemes

Variation or review of surpluses on revenue accountas settled by the scheme


The local housing authority may at any time vary a scheme in such a way as to increase the amount of the surpluses on revenue account as settled by the scheme for all or any periods, including past periods.



The local housing authority, or a person having an estate or interest in the house, may at any time apply to the county court for a review of the surpluses on revenue account as settled by the scheme.


On such an application the court shall take into consideration—


whether in the period since the control order came into force the actual balances mentioned in paragraph 1(4) have exceeded, or been less than, the surpluses on revenue account as settled by the scheme, and


whether there has been any change in circumstances such that the number of persons or households who should live in the house, or the amount of the rents and other payments receivable by the local housing authority from persons occupying the house, ought to be greater or less than was originally estimated.


The court may on such an application, as it thinks fit, confirm or vary the scheme (but not so as to affect the provisions of the scheme relating to the works), and may vary the surpluses on revenue account as settled by the scheme for all or any period, including past periods.