SCHEDULE 7 Composite Goods and Collections of Articles



This paragraph applies to any collection of two or more items which, not itself being—


required by or under Part IV of this Act, except this paragraph, to be pre-packed only if the container is marked with particular information, or


expressly exempted by or under Part IV of this Act, except this paragraph, from any such requirement which would otherwise apply to it,

contains one or more articles to which any such requirement applies.


Any collection to which this paragraph applies shall be pre-packed only if—


the container in which the collection is pre-packed is marked with an indication of the quantity of each of any such articles as mentioned in sub-paragraph (1) above contained in it, or


each of any such articles contained in the container is made up in an individual container marked with an indication of quantity,

being in either case the like indication of the quality of each respectively of those articles as would have been required if that article had itself been pre-packed.